KI Dominanz der USA? n(o)VIDIA macht erfinderisch

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 29. Januar 2025 um 00h43minzum Post-Scriptum


Am Vortag haben die Aktien der Firma Nvidia 600 Milliarden Dollar an Wert verloren. An einem Tag. Einen solchen massiven Verlust: Das hat es bisher so noch nicht gegeben.


Dazu dieses Fachgespräch in den "Informationen am Mittag" im Börsenbericht des Deutschlandfunks aus Frankfurt von Samir Ibrahim ...

Börsenbericht aus Frankfurt

... sowie den Bericht von Nils Dampz aus den USA:
Chinesisches Startup Deepseek sorgt für Börsenbeben

Chinesisches Startup Deepseek sorgt für Börsenbeben

Am selben Tag gab es diese weiteren Berichte:

 von Astrid Freyeisen in den "Informationen am Mittag"
DeepSeek. Was über die chinesische KI bekannt ist

Chinesische KI DeepSeek - was bisher bekannt ist

 in der Sendung "Forschung Aktuell" von Felix Wessel, anmoderiert von Ralf Krauter:
DeepSeek aus China. Schock-Moment für die US-KI-Forschung

Deepseek: Was kann das KI-Sprachmodell aus China wirklich?

Ein neues KI-Sprachmodell hat ein Börsenbeben ausgelöst: Der Hype um Deepseek hat fast 600 Milliarden Dollar allein beim Chip-Hersteller Nvidia vernichtet. Deepseek R1 kommt aus China, wurde günstig entwickelt, ist leistungsfähig und Open-Source-basiert.

 In der Sendung "Fazit" im Deutschlandfunk Kultur hören wir kurz nach 23 Uhr Eva Wolfangel, befragt von Vladimir Balzer:

DeepSeek – was bedeutet die neue KI für die Kultur?

DeepSeek - was bedeutet die neue KI für die Kultur?


 In den 20 Uhr Abendnachrichten der ARD tagesschau ist diese open source - Alternative aus der VR China DIE Top-Meldung:

 Mehr dazu dann auch im heute JOURNAL des ZDF gegen 22 Uhr, mit Miriam Meckel im Interview:

 Fan Wang & João da Silva in den BBC News von heute:
DeepSeek: How China’s ’AI heroes’ overcame US curbs to stun Silicon Valley


Im Gegenzug dazu die Fachsimpelei von zwei Redaktionsteams des Deutschlandfunks und des BR für die ARD vom 16. Jänner diesen Jahres:

KI und Macht. Wie US-Politik und Konzerne unsere Zukunft prägen

Die KI-Revolution verstärkt die Macht großer US-Tech-Konzerne, die massiv Einfluss auf die Politik nehmen. Ihre Allianz mit dem künftigen Präsidenten Donald Trump bedroht Europas Werte und Gestaltungsspielräume. Aber noch gibt es Hoffnung.

KI und Macht - Wie US-Politik und Konzerne unsere Zukunft prägen


Hier der Test-/Text-Bericht von einem befreundeten Nutzer - der es riskiert hat, sich ausspähen zu lassen; Miriam hat ja in dem oben eingespielten Interview deutlich darauf hingewiesen - und uns heute zugestellt wurde.
Mit einer Frage, auf die man man erst einmal kommen muss:

Frage : Weight of elefant. Can Elephants swim?

Antwort deepseek:

[think] Okay, I need to figure out whether elephants can swim. First, I recall that elephants are large land mammals, so swimming might not be something they do naturally. But I’ve heard somewhere that elephants do have some swimming abilities. Let me break this down.
Starting with their anatomy. Elephants are big and heavy, which might make floating a challenge. But they also have trunks. Maybe the trunk helps them breathe while in water. Their legs are strong and pillar-like, which could be useful for paddling. I’ve seen videos of elephants in water, maybe in rivers or lakes, so maybe they can swim there.
Then, think about their habitat. Asian elephants and African elephants might have different experiences with water. In Asia, there are more water bodies like rivers and wetlands. Do they live near water? Perhaps that’s where they have adapted to swim. Some animals, like hippos, are semi-aquatic, but elephants aren’t usually classified that way. Still, maybe they can swim when necessary.
Another angle: how do they move in water? Since they are heavy, they might have to use their legs more actively. Do they doggy paddle? Their buoyancy might be affected by their size and lung capacity. Do they have air-filled spaces that help them float? Maybe their trunk acts like a snorkel, allowing them to breathe even when the rest of the body is submerged. That could enable them to stay underwater while moving.
Looking for examples. There are stories of elephants crossing rivers during migrations or in search of food. If they can cross deep rivers, they must swim. Videos might show them with their heads above water, using their legs to propel themselves. Also, baby elephants learning to swim with the help of their herd. That’s a possibility.
But could there be limitations? Maybe they can’t swim long distances, only short ones. Their energy expenditure might be high, so they prefer shallow waters when possible. Or perhaps they use the bottom of the water body to walk, keeping their trunks up. So it’s a combination of walking and swimming.
Wait, some sources mention that elephants can swim using all four legs in a sort of paddle motion, and use their trunk as a snorkel. This would allow them to traverse deep water. They can supposedly swim for several kilometers. That makes sense, given their need to find food and water sources, especially in dry seasons.
So, putting it all together: elephants are capable swimmers. They use their legs to paddle, their trunk to breathe,

[think] Okay, the user asked about the weight of an elephant. Let me start by recalling what I know about elephants. They’re large mammals, so they must be pretty heavy. But there are different species, right? Like African elephants and Asian elephants. Do they have different weights?
I think African elephants are generally larger. From what I remember, African bush elephants are the biggest. They can weigh up to something like 7 tons. Then there’s the African forest elephant, which might be smaller. Asian elephants are a bit smaller too. So maybe I should break it down by species to be accurate.
Wait, what units should I use? The user didn’t specify, but they probably want it in kilograms and pounds. Let me check: 1 ton is 1000 kilograms, right? And converting that to pounds, since 1 kilogram is approximately 2.20462 pounds. So a 7-ton elephant would be 7000 kg, which is about 15,432 pounds. That seems really heavy. For the Asian elephant, maybe around 5.5 tons? So 5500 kg, which would be about 12,125 pounds.
But wait, calves are much lighter. They can be around 100 kg at birth. That seems plausible. Also, male elephants are usually heavier than females. Should I mention that? Maybe include the range for males and females in each species. For example, African bush elephants, males 5-7 tons, females a bit less. Asian elephants, males 3.5-5.5 tons? Or is that right? I’m a bit fuzzy on the exact numbers. I should verify.
Wait, I think sources say male African bush elephants average around 6 tons, but can go up to 7.5 tons. Females might be 3-4 tons. For Asian elephants, males average around 5 tons and females around 3. Maybe I should present average ranges rather than just the maximum. Also, need to account for their diet and age affecting weight. But that might be too detailed. The user probably wants a general answer. So summarizing the main species and their average weights, plus mentioning the maximum sizes.
So putting it all together: Different species, African vs. Asian. African bush elephants are the heaviest, males 5-7 tons, females smaller. Asian elephants lighter. Mention newborns’ weight. And maybe note that the biggest recorded elephant was even heavier. I want to make sure the units are clear,

Copilot weigert sich, Bilder von schwimmenden Elefanten zu zeigen oder zu generieren, solange man dort nicht mit einem Konto angemeldet ist.

can you show me a sequence with swimming elephants?
Leider kann ich nur Bilder generieren, wenn Sie angemeldet sind. Melden Sie sich an, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.

Also wird die Frage umformuliert, um die folgenden Antworten zu generieren:

where can I find a source showing swimming elephans?
Absolutely! You can find some fascinating videos of swimming elephants on these links:

GoPro: Swimming Elephant Underwater HD 🌊🐘 - Dive into a mesmerizing underwater journey with a swimming elephant.

From Land to Water: The Remarkable Swimming Skills of Elephants 🐘💧 - Explore how these giants navigate and enjoy the water⁣.

Swimming Elephants - This video showcases elephants swimming across the Kabini river.

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