No Show: SMPTE Forum Berlin (II)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 9. Mai 2015 um 09h36min


Hier ein Mitschnitt von der Ankündigung dieser Veranstaltung durch Patrick D. Griffis im Rahmen der NAB-Show 2014 in Las Vegas:

Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved

Wer SMPTE ist und was ihre Aufgaben sind, zeigt dieses Promo-Video "The Next Century Fund - SMPTE Centennial Campaign", das im Zusammenhang mit den Bemühungen im Rahmen des 100jährigen Jubiläums steht und zeigt, wie sich die Gesellschaft weiter entwickeln will:

Weitere Details und Anmeldemöglichkeiten finden sich auf der FKTG-Seite:

Und hier der am 10. April letztmalig aktualisierte Programmablauf des zweiten Tages:

9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks and Welcome

 Pat Griffis, SMPTE Education Vice President, Dolby USA;
 Hans Hoffmann, Head of Media Fundamentals and Production, EBU and SMPTE Forum 2015 Conference Chair;
 Barbara Lange, SMPTE Executive Director

9:15-9:45 Opening Keynote: Impact of Internet Entertainment on Broadcasting

 Thomas Staneker, Head of TV International Technical Service Center, Deutsche Telekom, Gmbh, Germany

9:45-10:45 EU and US Regulatory Environment : A Boost or Bust for Internet Entertainment? [1]

 Jim Burger, Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP, USA

 Jim Burger, Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP, USA;
 Anne-Catherine Berg, EBU Legal Advisor, Switzerland;
 Peter Pitsch, Executive Director of Communications Policy and Associate General Counsel, Intel Corp., USA;
 Peter Eberl, Deputy Head of Unit, Electronic Communications, European Commission, DG CONNECT, Brussels;
 J. Scott Marcus, Independent Consultant, Brussels

11:15-12:00 Virtual Reality Entertainment via Web: An Idea Whose Time is Here? [2]

 Andrew Perkis, Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

 Prof. Mel Slater, ICREA-University of Barcelona, Spain;
 Dr. Doron Friedman, Sammy Ofer School Of Communication, Head of the Advanced Reality Lab, Israel

13:30-14:15 Sounding Good Over the Web: Accessible, Immersive, and Personalized Audio [3]

 Siegfried Foessel, Head of Department Moving Picture Technologies, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany

 Bernhard Grill, Head of Audio and Multimedia Division, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany;
 Matthieu Parmentier, Project Manager R&D, France TV

14:15-14:45 Tools of Trade: Translating Traditional Content for the Web [4]

 Anil Kokaram, Tech Lead at Google, USA

 Derek Buitenhuis, Video Encoding Engineer, Vimeo, UK; Todd Prives, Product Manager, Rendering, Google, USA;
 Renganathan Ramamoorthy, Product Manager, Google Chrome, USA

14:45-15:30 Sport to the Fan, by the Fan, for the Fan. How Internet, Mobile and Personalisation is Changing the Shape of Live Sport Broadcasting. [5]

 Simon Gauntlett, CTO, Digital TV Group, UK

 Stephan Heimbecher, Head of Innovations & Standards in Technology, Sky Deutschland,GmbH & Co KG;
 Carlo De Marchis, Chief Product Officer, deltatre, Italy; Christy King, COO, Levels Beyond, USA

16:00-16:45 Second Screen in the Home and Beyond: US versus EU Perspective [6]

 Francois Abbe, Founder and President, Mesclado, France

 Jonas Schlatterbeck, Social Media Manager, ARTE G.E.I.E., Strasbourg;
 Robert Seidel, Vice President TV Engineering, CBS, USA and SMPTE President;
 Elger van der Wel, Coordinator NIS Lab, NOS, Netherlands

Da die schon 2014 in Las Vegas ausgesprochene Einladung nicht umgesetzt und eine Akkreditierung als Presse nicht erteilt wurde, musst auch die für diesen zweiten Tag avisierte Berichterstattung von dieser Veranstaltung entfallen.



[1Europe is currently reviewing Internet traffic management and content regulations, how will this contrast or match the approaches in the US. What are the contrasting positions of Europe and the US on net neutrality? How will those regulations affect the roll out of entertainment services?

[2Recent technological advancements have led to exciting new ways of telling stories. Specifically, the ubiquity of the Internet and advances in displays, mobile devices and sensor technologies has made it possible to create highly immersive virtual and augmented realities. Sensors, such as 3D scanners, eye and hand tracking devices and GPS on mobile phones, make it possible to capture information in real time that can be used to modify a storyline. Displays, such as immersive 3D goggles, augmented reality glasses, and light field projectors, make it possible to merge virtual and real world media. And finally, the Internet makes it possible for users to collaborate, interact and modify the storyline. This panel will discuss the opportunities and challenges involved in immersive as well as “fragmented storytelling”, (also known as “transmedia storytelling”) where a story is scattered across different media and devices.

[3Multiple industry efforts are looking at how to improve audio practically and experientially for broadcast and online audio delivery. How do we improve dialogue intelligibility and support video description for the visual and hearing impaired? What is immersive audio for mobile devices? How can a consumer personalize the audio experience? What steps does the industry need to take to make sure that enhanced audio is a core component of next generation services?

[4Video and audio streaming is dominating Internet by eating up more than half the traffic. In this session we’ll discuss the need for techniques for efficient compression and infrastructures for the future to avoid video breaking the Internet. This session will also include updates on the media extensions of HTML-5 and a discussion of cloud service distribution models.

[5Delivering live sporting events to tablets, smartphones, and computers continues to be a growing area of interest and huge potential revenue stream for broadcast rights holders, teams, and leagues. There are many challenges from delivering a high quality experience over contended bandwidth, reaching an increasingly complex multinational audience with compelling content, and traversing the myriad platforms that deliver to the consumer space. However these technologies also offer huge insight into the individual fan and give broadcasters the opportunity to interact with the audience and tailor content for them as never before. Hear from the professionals that generate and deliver the most cutting edge sports content to audiences worldwide.

[6The use of second screens such as laptops, iPads, etc. to control or complement a main screen viewing experience in the home is a growing phenomenon. This session will explore recent developments around the world and compare differences in market technologies and consumer acceptance.

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