MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit3

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 12. April 2022 um 17 Uhr 12 Minutenzum Post-Scriptum


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Unit 3

Following ME&MP "Take Off" MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit1 and MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit2, this is the third session/unit. And the second session at the MM-premises in Berlin. This time not in room 310, but in room 119: Welcome!

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Bring In Your Own Device

In the second session on April 7th it was agreed that all participants on this meeting will bring in their laptops or other study devices to this meeting.
10:13 - 11:00
We will greet & meet. And establish an online-session as if we were all on remote sites.
Elisabeth will join us online from MM Cologne and help us with all the nitty-gritty about Blackboard.
This is to enable all the participants to make the most of this new online tool.
The course B-STGe-ALL-MMP-22SS has these two references:
 Hofer, Kuznetsova, Vielwerth: Media Economics and Politics
 Siegert: Media Economics and Media Politics B: Seminar Expert Sessions (ES)

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My favourite media piece

Follow up on MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit2 Your presentations about your favourite gadgets and contents on the history of media.

The idea is that at the end of the course, all the participants will have their own little media document.

On the last day of the course, all these presentations will be shown again. Enriched by some personal comments about the question if they would like to change or add to the presentation they have started with in these days.

This topic will be enriched by your six oral notes, recorded by the participants on day one: ME&MP "Take Off" MediaEconomics & MediaPolitics Unit1

As a ’bonus track’ it would be nice to hear from you, how your favourite piece of media is going to look like in 2030, in which political framework it will be embedded and how it will be financed. You may implement this "2030 Media Piece" either in a German state framework or in the political and economic framework of your country of origin.

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Literature and Libraries

As early as in Unit 1 we have presented a first list of literature

Do not forget to get access via your/a new MM-Library-Account:

Albarran, Alan B.: The media economy
New York, Routledge, 2017, 2nd edition

The access to the publications of Albarran, Kueng and Wirtz is available on your MM [...] .../courses/_164040... site.

By the way: Do invest 10 Euros to get access to all the Berlin Public Libraries VOEBB online, with access in German and in English [2].

The VOEBB-digital services include:

- Interactive media training at Brockhaus
 European and international art house films at AVA
 Series, motion pictures and children’s films at Filmfriend
 Numerous statistics at Statista
 Live recordings of concerts and many more concerning classical music at
 More than 65.000 e-books and audio books in German and several other languages at OverDrive and Onleihe
 Magazines and daily newspapers like „Die Zeit“, „Der Spiegel“, „The New Yorker" or „Washington Post“
– Overview of the most important e-papers and e-magazines
 Countless audio books and a wide choice of music: Classical music, Jazz, Pop and Rock
 Online encyclopedias, language courses and a large variety of interactive learning courses
 Learning aids for pupils at Duden Basiswissen Schule

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Curriculum / Syllabus


• Basic terms and theories surrounding media politics and media
• Discourse and measures that establish a regulatory framework
regulations, guidelines) for journalistic media and its room for
• Mapping out actors whose interests and power constellations lie
in the field of
media politics and media economy.
• Media-political and economic imperatives in the European and
media environment.
• Press policy, broadcasting policy, telecommunications policy, film
• European and international media politics and economics.
• Network policy and internet governance
• Ownership structures and concentration ratios in globalised
media politics
• Media products and their markets
• The economic dimension of the digital developments
• Advertising circulation spiral, first-copy costs or the focus on
national media
• Concentration developments in the international media markets

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Maybe "excursion" is not the exact term, because it is not about "sight-seeing" but the exploration of topics like regulation, production, distribution with some renowned Berlin-based players in the market.

 Regulation: by the 14 German Media Authorities responsible for the licences and supervision of radio and television broadcasters:

 Film-/TV-Production: filmcommission BerlinBrandenburg

 Studio Babelsberg:
Recently bought by: TPG Real Estate Partners (TREP)


 LAW: Kanzlei Hölzer| GreenbergTraurig

 FINANCE ’Alternatives’: ECOSIA Search Engine
GLS Bank and the

 History: German Museum of Technology [4]:
> Computers
> Communications Engineering / Telecommunications
> Music and Sound
> Photo Technology
 Museum of Communication Berlin

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"m power ment"

>Prof. Dr. Dr. Castulus Kolo, Präsident
>Prof. Ute Masur, Vizepräsidentin Lehre und Professurenentwicklung Campus
>Dr. Reimar Müller-Thum, Vizepräsident Hochschulmanagement
signed in the German Version of the Leistungsversprechen der Hochschule Macromedia and in the English Version of Macromedia University’s value proposition these ambitions:

Dear students,

the goal of our university is to train you as designers of digital change. As personalities who, with comprehensive media, interdisciplinary and intercultural competence, will shape the industrial and creative landscapes, civil societies as well as the economic and cultural life of the future.

This is how we phrased it in the mission statement of Macromedia University.

Therefore, we would like to motivate you for lifelong learning and support you in your personal development.

Train. Support. Enable.

There is a word for it in English: Empowerment. This is the core competence of our university and constitutes the framework of Macromedia’s study programs. Accordingly, we have chosen "empowerment" as a meaningful component of our value proposition:
mPower is our promise to you, indeed our invitation to be "empowered".

To Do:

Media Politics Deep Dive
Lets do a deep dive into the methodology: See these intros by Karen Davis Athanassiadis

Welcome to Media & Politics- Online from Media Mind-ED on Vimeo.

Choosing an example of a political event... in the US

Media & Politics 1 from Karen Davis Athanassiadis on Vimeo.

The role of students in Media on a political topic:

National Politics (Medía) from Kay Santio on Vimeo.

Choosing an example of a political event... in the UK:

Truth, Lies and Politics from Phil Rees on Vimeo.

THE Media Politics Info Add:

The Times: Politics Tamed from The&Partnership on Vimeo.


Politics & Media freedom-2 from manal kutbi on Vimeo.


In this lecture, we’ve learned that the only solid Browser for Blackboard-Applications is the Google-based Chrome offer. It was strongly recommended not to use the Microsoft Edge Browser instead. Although it is using the same software engine.
But you may use the "Ungoogled Chromium" Browser instead. On April 11th. 2022 the Version 100.0 was published for download for MAC, WIN10 32 & 64 bit. And successfully tested wth the GGE (Galileo Global Education) - Helpdesk the day after.


[1Here it is again:

Bernd W. Wirtz (Professor for Information and Communication Management at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer): : Media an Internet Management.
Gabler Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2011, [10.ed. 2019]
"S.37-95 / 96-110 / 751-862 / 921-963"

Arthur Hofer [script mm SS21] : Media Economics.
Definitions. Characteristic properties of media products.

Küng, L. (2017). Strategic Management in the Media. Los Angeles: SAGE. S. 13 – 45.

von Rimscha, B.: Business Models of Media Industry. In: Lowe, G.F., Brown, Ch. (ed.), (2016). Managing Media Firms and Industries. What’s So Special About Media Management? S. 207 – 222.

Min Hang: Media Entrepreneurship. In Albarran, A., Mierzejewska, B., Jung, J. (2018). Handbook of Media Management and Economics. Routledge. New York. 2nd Edition. S. 259 – 272.

Dukes, A.: Economics of advertising. In: Picard, R.G., Wildman, S.S. (ed.) (2015). Handbook on the Economics of the Media. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar. S. 107 – 122

Kaplan, A., Mazurek, G.: Social Media. In: Albarran, A. et al. (2018). S. 273 – 286

Xiaoqun Zhang: Media Globalization. In: Albarran, A., et al.. (2018). S. 333 – 346.

Küng, L.: Innovation, Technology and Organizational Change. In: Storsul T. und Krumsvik, A. (Ed.), Media Innovation. A multidisciplinary Study of Change, S. 9-12.

[2Here you find a list of all the Berlin Public Libraries:

[3As a comparison this an old announcement of the Free University of Brussels (with a link no longer valid):

The Media Economics Programme at the VUB from SMIT on Vimeo.

[4Film Technology "temporarily closed until further notice".

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