Preview. ShowStoppers – (IFA) Press Invitation

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 31. August 2021 um 17h18min


Am August 31, 2021 wird die bereits mehrfach zuvor ausgesandte "ShowStoppers – Press Invitation" nochmals vom "Press IFA " - Verteiler versandt. Wer das Produkt-Angebot auch nur überfliegt wird schnell verstehen, warum es solch einer intensiven Info-Kampagne bedarf:

ShowStoppers® invites you to discover new tech for work, home and play.

Join us Thursday, 2 September, 9 am EDT, as we stream hot products from cool companies to your digital screen on ShowStoppers TV.
With news and product demos for journalists and analysts from:
BiWin — Storage and memory products for business users and consumers.
Kidde — Make your home more healthy and safe with smoke and CO2 alarms, fire extinguishers, and more.
Schneider Electric — Digital energy and automation solutions for homes and offices.
And more! Stay tuned for updates.
The press conference begins at 9 am EDT, streaming live — followed at 10 am with time and tools to take your questions.
ShowStoppers TV provides online press kits, videos and other tools to help you prepare coverage.
Registration is limited and operates on a first-come basis.