
VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 20. Oktober 2020 um 22h06minzum Post-Scriptum


Was einst mit der NFLCP, der National Federation of Local Cable Programmers begann - und schon in den 80er Jahren unter Mitwirkung des Autors mit den Offenen- und Bürgerservice-Kanälen in der BRD vernetzt wurde - , hat sich heute über die ganze USA hinweg als DIE Quelle für eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und mediale Vermittlungsstrategien in den Regionen "vor Ort" und am Ort bewährt.

Heute wird zum fünften Mal die Qualität der Arbeit der Mitglieder und UnterstützerInnen der ACM, der Alliance for Community Media - und ihre Erfolge - herausgestellt. Und gefeiert. Und kann über diesen DOWNLOAD abgerufen oder an dieser Stelle direkt begutachtet werden:

Weitere in depth insides gibt es hier im Verlauf dieses People Power Media Fests: Community Media is Having a Moment

Community media makers have been the storytellers and documenters of local history, culture and politics for decades. Recently this work has been the subject of several studies and publications by area academics. Even prior to the pandemic community media was having a bit of a moment.
Panelists, Patricia Aufderheide, Antoine Haywood, Clemencia Rodriguez, and Andrea Wenzel, will summarize their research as a jumping-off point to discuss how community media and community-centered journalism has become even more necessary during this time of national crisis and how to build on this moment to better serve our communities.


 Molly de Aguiar ... comes to Independence Public Media Foundation with 15 years’ experience in thoughtful, responsive philanthropy, with deep expertise in designing and supporting community-centered local journalism programs and initiatives. Her work has focused on a range of ideas exploring the future of local news and information, including sustainable business models, community-centered reporting, collaboration, and creative storytelling formats.
She launched and directed the Informed Communities program for the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, which attracted partnerships with national funders and helped New Jersey become a model for local journalism innovation. She also served as the first Managing Director of the News Integrity Initiative, a globally-focused philanthropic project, at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. She co-founded the Local News Lab, sits on the boards of Media Impact Funders, and writes and speaks frequently about reimagining philanthropy.

 Patricia Aufderheide ... is University Professor of Communication Studies in the School of Communication at American University in Washington, D.C. She founded the School’s Center for Media & Social Impact, where she continues as Senior Research Fellow.

 Antoine Haywood ... is a doctoral student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication and a MIC Center Graduate Research Fellow. His primary research focuses on understanding the contemporary relevance of community media operations anchored by municipally mandated public, educational, and government access television channels collectively known as PEG. Before his time at Annenberg, Antoine spent 15years building community engagement programs for community media organizations such as People TV and Radio Free Georgia in Atlanta, GA, and PhillyCAM in Philadelphia, PA. He is also a musician, vinyl record collector, and video maker. Antoine proudly hails from Palm Beach County, Florida.

 Dr. Clemencia Rodríguez ... is a Professor in the Department of Media Studies and Production at Temple University. In her book Fissures in the Mediascape: An International Study of Citizens’ Media (2001), Rodríguez developed her "citizens’ media theory," a groundbreaking approach to understanding the role of community/alternative media in our societies. Currently, she divides her time between Colombia and Philadelphia. In Colombia, her research centers on citizens’ media in post-conflict Colombia, with a new focus on environmental communication and how grassroots communities address the climate crisis with media and communication. In Philadelphia, she explores the rich history and development of local community media, activist media, and youth initiatives that involve media, arts, and digital platforms.

 Andrea Wenzel ... is an assistant professor at Temple University. She is a fellow with Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism and the co-founder of the Germantown Info Hub. She is the author of Community-Centered Journalism: Engaging People, Exploring Solutions, and Building Trust. Prior to completing her Ph.D. at USC Annenberg, she spent 15 years as a radio producer at WBEZ and WAMU, and a trainer/project manager for organizations such as BBC Media Action and Internews in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq, and Ghana.