Cancelled: ACM Annual Conference

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 1. Juli 2020 um 13h12min


Es war die Absicht, auf dieser Jahres-Konferenz der Alliance for Community Media das Projekt "Revisiting Democracy (D)" in Chicago vorzustellen und eine Reihe von Kontakten soweit zu konkretisieren, dass für die für das Frühjahr 2021 geplante Motorrad-Tour durch die USA konkrete Stationen hätten ausgemacht werden können.

Stattdessen traf am Abend des 18. Mai 2020 in Deutschland diese Nachricht ein:

Announcement of 2020 Annual Conference Cancellation

Because of the health conditions and concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alliance for Community Media is cancelling our 2020 Annual Conference which was set to take place in Chicago, IL June 30 – July 2. This is a disappointing announcement for our organization and our members across the country as the Annual Conference is a celebration of the best of the work that happens in community media, and a unique fellowship opportunity for people who work in our field.

It is necessary and not a decision we took lightly. We look forward to returning to Chicago at a later date.

As an alternative, ACM is happy to announce the roll out of a workshop series which we are confident conference attendees will find useful in their work in community media. We will kick off the series in June and July, registration will be open soon.

Making the Case - How to Write the Essential Building Block for Fundraising Appeals (two parts)

Re-visioning Community Media Centers- Building Relevance and Sustainability (three parts) Advocacy in the Age of Covid

In addition, ACM is excited to provide a platform for our partner organizations who will be presenting demonstrations of their products and solutions for channels and organizations. Look for these presentations twice per month through the end of 2020.

We want to give special acknowledgement to our sponsors who are instrumental each year in helping ACM provide a solid, successful conference each year.

We look forward to connecting virtually in a couple of weeks.

ACM Staff