No Show: NAB from 360° up to VR

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 11. April 2018 um 11h16minzum Post-Scriptum


Here comes VR ... on these topics:

Handling VR Data on Set

Post|Production World
Mon. April 9
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
South Hall Meeting Rooms - S229

How does your data handler go about the simultaneous processing of 25 SD cards from the latest VR camera or maybe dealing with 8 simultaneously shot- 1TB mag’s of 8K RED camera data? The single largest issue for VR filmmakers is understanding how their data will be handled Onset. From single camera acquisition to an astonishing array of multiple cameras or modules, handling the vast amount of data generated by todays VR rigs can be instantly overwhelming. We will cover Thunderbolt and USB workflows on both Mac and Windows systems.
Concrete skills and take-aways: • Understand Data Management and Redundancy • Methodology of best practices

VR Postproduction

Post|Production World
Mon. April 9
9:30 AM - 4:45 PM
South Hall Meeting Rooms - S220

This day long event will start with an hour of basics of 360 video and then progress through the post process.
We’ll spend time discussing stitching, the various tools for stitching and the struggles (including data wrangling). A walkthrough of the editorial process and tools and discuss various ways to approach storytelling. How to handle effects, dealing with the nadir, lighting, equipment and tracking. A look at solutions on getting interactivity in video - making it truly VR.
Some guest star experts on various third party tools. This is a practical approach to the tools and processes that are easily accessible for most post production professionals.
Perfect for anyone looking to improve their VR skills.

Editing a Spherical Panorama (360º) with Photoshop

Post|Production World
Mon. April 9
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
South Hall Meeting Rooms - S229

Explore the new 3D capabilities of Photoshop which include modifying spherical panoramas (360º photos). This session will focus solely on the workflows included in the 2018 release of Photoshop. Learn to seamlessly remove the tripod, as well as introduce new artwork into your panoramas. We’ll also cover some shooting tips and workflows for removing yourself and others from a shot, and even use bracketing techniques for creating the perfect shot. Concrete skills and take-aways: • Seamlessly removing the tripod • Working with the 3D panel in Photoshop • Bracketing your shots • Removing yourself and others form a scene • Adding logos and artwork to spherical panoramas

Pushing Immersive Media to the Limit - Location Based Entertainment

Next-Generation Media Technologies
Mon. April 9
11:20 AM - 12:00 PM
North Hall Meeting Rooms - N257

The panel discussion will touch on world-building, blending the physical and virtual elements, building audience and community, and extending the experience beyond the physical location. We’ll explore how LBE fits into the larger entertainment mix as well as thoughts on how it can be monetized within that context.

Produced in partnership with USC Entertainment Technology Center (ETC)

Cinematic Virtual Reality: It’s Not the "What" of Storytelling that Changes; It’s the "How."

Next-Generation Media Technologies
Mon. April 9
1:35 PM - 2:50 PM
North Hall Meeting Rooms - N257

A research report released last summer by international marketing firm Vibrant Media, found that even with 6DoF (Six Degrees of Freedom) and interactivity in immersive content, most consumers want "passive" cinematic VR content. There is even an expectation that this content would come from Netflix or Amazon Prime. This also means they expect a level of quality in story and production that is inherent to those platforms. Yet one of the top concerns of Immersive Content executives and distributors is the a dearth of great cinematic VR and, that content of lesser quality will turn off consumers. So, how do storytellers, producers and filmmakers rise to the challenge?

Join renown cinematic VR producer, Brian Seth Hurst, Founder and Chief Storyteller at StoryTech Immersive, and walk through a case study in cinematic VR production. Some of the questions that will be answered...What techniques, if any from the 100-year history of film can translate into immersive storytelling? What new best practices are emerging? How do you ride the wave of changing camera technology and postproduction workflows? How much do you have to hack the tech do get what you want? How do you truly make sure that the technology is serving the story rather than distracting the audience? This session is for traditional filmmakers and producers to those already experienced the tale-telling potential of immersive content.

Live & VR Streaming from Mobile Devices

Post|Production World
Mon. April 9
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
South Hall Meeting Rooms - S225

Panel: Innovations in AR/VR Productions

Post|Production World
Mon. April 9
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
South Hall Meeting Rooms - S229

Panel | Innovations in AR/VR Productions - come learn about the newest innovations in AR and VR Production. Explore the workflow and other new innovations in production.


The most needed topic of this day is not technology, it is this question:

First Things First: Is the Press Still Free?

Business of Broadcast
Mon. April 9
1:30 PM - 2:50 PM
North Hall Meeting Rooms - N258
Open to these pass holders:
Conference Flex Pass
Add to myNAB Show Register Now

Journalism can be a successful engine of democracy when facts can be reported objectively without fear or favor. Yet, we now hear public claims of "fake news" and, in some cases, the media is threatened with revised libel laws or the revocation of broadcast licenses. All of this is taking place at a time when journalists and citizens have an unprecedented ability to reach a wide audience and ready access to policymakers’ unfiltered viewpoints through social media. How do each of these conditions affect journalism? How should the media respond? Is freedom of the press being threatened or more expansive than ever before?

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel will give introductory remarks prior to the panel discussion.

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