Can you read some German?
Here’s the Link to a bbw press publication dated Thursday 12th January 2017:
Heute ist sie 10 Jahre jung: Die bbw Hochschule
And this is our quote of interest:
Das schönste Geburtstagsgeschenk machte sich die Hochschule mit einem Buddy Bären, der in den kommenden vier Wochen nach einem internen Ideenwettbewerb gestaltet werden soll. Der Siegerentwurf wird mit einem Gutschein gekürt. Die Bemalung nimmt dann ein Künstler vor.
If you can’t read any German, let’s have a try and use Google Translate, Microsoft Translator [1] and two more online offerings.
Following this means:
The most beautiful birthday gift was the university with a buddy bear, which is to be designed in the coming four weeks after an internal ideas contest. The winning design is awarded with a voucher. The painting is then performed by an artist
Following this means:
The most beautiful birthday present became the College with a buddy bears, which is to be made in the coming four weeks after an internal competition. The winning design will be awarded a coupon. An artist then makes the painting
Following this means:
The most beautiful birthday gift was the university with a buddy bear, which is to be designed in the coming four weeks after an internal ideas contest. The winning design is awarded with a voucher. The painting is then performed by an artist
Following this means:
The most beautiful birthday present made the university to itself with a Buddy Bären which shall be formed after an internal competition of ideas within the next four weeks. The winner outline is chosen with a voucher. An artist then carries out the painting
Did you grasp the sense of this proposal?
If you are a staff member or a student at bbw, are you interested in participating?
The last day of entry is TODAY, February 24th 2017.

Students, who will decide to participate will get prior support up to the evening of this day to present their proposal in time.