Die "Zukunft" des Kinos: "5D"?

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Samstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 16. April 2016 um 08h28minzum Post-Scriptum


Da die Vorstellung der neuen AVID-Produkte am Freitag auf der #AVIDCONNECT laut Auskunft der Pressestelle "exklusiv Mitgliedern der Avid Customer Association vorbehalten ist" wird auch an diesem Tag noch nicht darüber berichtet werden können, sondern auf diesen Samstag und die folgende Keynote von Louis Hernandez Jr, Avid Chairman, President and CEO, im Rahmen der sogenannten FUTURE VISION SERIES verwiesen:

What Avid and its extended family of customers and partners have created over the past three years has been nothing short of a revolution in the media industry. It began as a concept, and is now the industry’s most open, integrated, and comprehensive media platform in the world. We see it making a real difference to our customers’ businesses and livelihoods in every corner of the media world. And with the close-knit collaboration of the ACA, together we’re just getting started!

In this session, Avid will reveal the latest innovations and revolutionary announcements to usher in the next phase of the Avid Everywhere vision. Also hear from media organizations and developers who will share the stories of their business transformations with the Avid MediaCentral Platform, and will talk about what the unprecedented openness and integration of the platform has allowed them to achieve.

Parallel dazu geht es auf der Konferenz um die Zukunft des Kinos laut der Ankündigung im Jahr seines einhundertjährigen Jubiläums darum:

Today’s cinema creatives face an ever-changing environment of enhanced formats, evolving platforms, and brave new experiential technologies.

Join SMPTE, plus numerous industry experts and creatives, as we consider the next 100 years of motion pictures and how content makers work with technology to thrive today—and well into the next century. Featuring explorations and panels on future challenges and methods for making content for theatrical and beyond, The Future of Cinema Conference will gather the brightest industry minds to discuss how to ensure our work is preserved in its highest form for generations to come.

Was für ein (An-)Spruch: zwei Tage lang über die nächsten einhundert Jahre des Kinos nachdenken zu wollen. Whow!

Und das alles unter dem Titel: The Immortal Movie

Als Key-Note-Speaker ist um 14:45 Ang Lee eingeladen um über Pushing the Limits of Cinema zu reden:

In 2016, director Ang Lee will release "Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk", the first major motion picture release to have been captured in 120 frames-per-second 3D at 4K resolution and in High Dynamic Range. Ang Lee will discuss his vision for cinema and the creative opportunities for the future of filmmaking. Along with editor Tim Squyres and production systems supervisor Ben Gervais, Mr Lee will discuss creating this ground breaking movie in a format that surpasses anything yet seen in cinema. In a world exclusive, the audience will enjoy the first ever public screening of footage from the upcoming movie in its native 4K, 3D, 120 frames-per-second format using a cutting edge dual laser projection system*. This is a must-attend session from the multi Oscar, BAFTA, Directors Guild and Golden Globe winning director who brought us Life of Pi, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain and Sense and Sensibility.

Unter der Ägide vom Direktor Digital Cinema der Walt Disney Studios geht es ab 16:45 um die These: "New Technologies in Making Movies Accessible to Everyone"

New technology developments are making movies more accessible than ever – putting them in the palm of an audience member’s hand. The ability to see and hear the story being told is vaulting to new heights, both theatrically and in the home. The session will explore and demo the latest in accessibility technology, paint a compelling picture for how far we’ve come, and examine opportunities for the future.

Während auf der einen Seite "das Kino-Machen" sozusagen in die Hände von "Jedermann" zu geraten scheint, entwickeln sich - auch nach der Wieder-Erfindung von "3D" - immer neu Formate, die die Zukunft dieses Erlebnisses als Einzigartig auch für die Zukunft sicherstellen sollen.

Am Sonntag sind dafür vor allem diese zwei Sessions angesagt. Unter dem Titel Building Worlds - Cinematic Storytelling in VR and AR ist um 14:15 Uhr ein Vortrag von Wasef El-Kharouf zum Thema Virtual Reality Design

Like so many paradigms of cinema, the last century of film making has been modeled on an industrial assembly line of pre-production, production and post. World building breaks these constraints and moves into a nonlinear, iterative and interactive process. This is the art of cinematic storytelling turned on its head. Dive deep with creative pioneers revolutionizing narrative space in the evolving landscape of virtual and augmented reality. Designers will present emotionally evocative stories requiring viewer participation that the artists believe traditional filmmaking cannot match.

Dem Ganzen gehen eine Reihe von sogenannten "Demo Sessions" voran, die zu diesem Thema und an diesem Tag bereits um 12.45 Uhr - im Raum S226 - beginnen.

Und ab 16:45 Uhr geht es um die Frage: Will the Future of VR and 3D Capture a Light Field?

If 3D is good, 5D must be better, right? Light Field imaging is a method of reproducing light rays as they pass through a plane – therefore defining a 3D spatial position plus a two angular dimensions describing the direction of the ray. 2D plus 3D equals 5D – which implies that a tremendous amount of data is needed. The science dates back to 1846, but in the last five years, light field cameras and displays have started to become reality. This amazing technology allows images to be re-focused, re-framed and viewed from any angle – similar to a hologram. In this session, we’ll learn how light field imaging works (also called plenoptic cameras), and why it is so difficult. Recent advancements in nano engineered materials, extraordinary digital processing power and cheap storage have started to make light field devices possible. We’ll explore the technology of both light field cameras and displays by some of the top experts in this fascinating new field.

Noch hat diese Konferenz nicht stattgefunden und es wird notwendig sein, ihren Verlauf zu beobachten und abzuwarten, was die - im wesentlichen - US-amerikanische Elite zu diesen neuen Entwicklungen zu sagen haben wird.

Aber es kommt nach mehr als einem Jahrzehnt der intensiven Beobachtung dieser Szene eine Gefühl auf, das an Geschichten ganz anderer Art erinnert, an Theodor Stroms Erzählung vom Kleinen Hävelmann oder von der Geschichte vom Fischer und seiner Frau, in diesem LINK auf Deutsche und auf Englisch erzählt, falls sich irgendeiner von unseren Protagonisten dafür interessieren sollte.


Vielleicht würde es Sinn machen, sich am Vormittag um 11:30 Uhr in einen der Nachbarsääle - S228 - zu begeben, um Katerina-Eva Matsa - Research Associate at Pew Research Center & PhD Candidate at American University, Pew Research Center - und ihrem Bericht über State of the Media zuzuhören.

• How Millennials’ political news habits differ from those of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers: (Millennials rely on Facebook for their political news, while Baby Boomers turn to Local TV. And while Millennials are less engaged with political news, they trust news sources as much as older generations do.)
• State of the news media: Trends and key indicators from the past 10 years about the landscape of American journalism – local TV, network TV, cable TV, newspapers and radio.
• The Evolving role of news on social media: How Americans consume news on social media, looking at Twitter and Facebook in particular. What are the similarities and differences in the role of news on these two social networks?

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