Für diesen Nachmittag liegt die folgende Einladung vor [1]:
SMPTE and the Advanced Imaging Society, with the generous support of Disney, Pixar, Warner Brothers and Dolby, are pleased to offer two special screening sessions in advance of the NAB Show’s The Future of Cinema Conference, produced in partnership with SMPTE.
These two screenings will provide demonstrations of theatrical released content that will be further discussed during the sessions on "High Dynamic Range in Animation" and "High Dynamic Range in Live Action and Visual Effects" taking place at the FoCC on Saturday, 16 April 2016.
Each session will include brief introductions followed by the pre-screening of HDR clips from such theatrical releases as Inside Out, Zootopia, Tomorrowland, Jungle Book, and others in Dolby Vision HDR. Each session will be accompanied by a full showing of either Star Wars: The Force Awakens or Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice in Dolby Vision and Dolby ATMOS.
Space is limited for each screening, you must pre-register for this event!
Introduction and Pre-screening of High Dynamic Range Clips
Demonstration of HDR clips from theatrical releases Inside Out, Zootopia, Tomorrowland, Jungle Book, and others.
•Welcome - Pat Griffis, SMPTE Education VP, Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
•High Dynamic Range in Animation
•Introduction - Cynthia Slavens, Director, Post Production, Pixar Animation Studios
•Prescreening of HDR Clips
•Inside Out - Dominic Glynn, Senior Scientist, Post Production, Pixar Animation Studios and Mark Dinicola, Colorist, Inside Out
•Zootopia - Stefan Luka, Color Scientist, Disney Animation Studios
•High Dynamic Range in Live Action and Visual Effects
•Introduction - Pat Griffis, SMPTE Education VP, Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
•Prescreening of HDR Clips
•Tomorrowland - J Schulte, ILM and Rick Sayre, Tech Consultant, Tomorrowland
•Jungle Book - Rob Legato, VFX supervisor for Jungle Book
Session 1 - 3:30pm - 7:00pm
•3:30pm - 6:00pm: Screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Full Length Feature in Dolby Vision HDR)
Introduction by Michael DeValue, Disney, AIS
•6:00pm - 7:00pm: Introduction and Pre-screening of High Dynamic Range Clips
Session 2 - 7:30pm - 11:00pm
•7:30pm - 8:30pm: Introduction and Pre-screening of High Dynamic Range Clips
•8:30pm - 11:00pm: Screening of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (Full Length Feature in Dolby Vision HDR)
Introduction by Mike Zink, Warner Bros.
Hier ein Kino in Brea, CA., in dem diese Woche einer dieser beiden Filme vorgeführt wird:

Frage eines Freundes, der "Batman v Superman" schon gesehen hat: "Soll ich Dir verraten, wie das Ganze ausgeht?"
Hier die offizielle Webseite.
Und dort ist bereits in einer der Einstellungen des Trailers zu sehen, wie selbst die noch aktuellen Traumata aus der jüngsten Geschichte des eigenen Landes - 9/11 - in dieser Filmerzählung verarbeitet - oder "verwurstet"? - wird: