Das Versprechen: DIS 2016

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 22. März 2016 um 15h54min


Am Mittwoch, den 27. Januar 2016 traf der "VDZ Sonder Newsletter" ein, in dem Peter Klotzki, Antje Jungmann und Annemarie Vollstedt u.a. schreiben:

Das Programm beinhaltet mehr als 40 führende Referenten und Themen wie Storytelling, Distributed Content, Audience Engagement Strategies, Digital Revenue Strategies inklusive Native & Programmatic Advertising, Paid Content, die neuesten Innovationen in Medien und Technologie und mehr.

Sie hören von Experten von Axel Springer, Contently, FT, Google, GE, Hearst, Mic, National Geographic, Panoply – The Slate Network, Paris Match, POLITICO, Refinery29, Schibsted, The Next Web, The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Stanford University, The Reuters Institute of Journalism at Oxford University oder Time Inc.

Im neunten Jahr ist der Digital Innovators’ Summit mehr denn je ein einzigartig wichtiger Kongress in der Jahresplanung zahlreicher Geschäftsführer der Medienbranche. Er bietet Gelegenheit, außerhalb des Büros Ideen auszutauschen, von aufkommenden Trends zu erfahren, neue Konzepte in Aktion zu sehen und zu netzwerken.

Hier das Programmangebot, Stand Ende Januar 2016, aus dem aus folgenden Punkten auszuwählen sein wird:

Extreme makeover: How Hearst reinvents itself, and what’s in store next

Their “months-to-moments” mantra is not a sound bite; it governs everything from company culture to operational priorities for Hearst. And it’s paying off. Hearst digital properties now boast more than 330m unique users globally. Cosmo alone grew from 15 million global unique users 4 years ago to 69 million today. In the Netherlands alone it exploded from 200,000 to 3 million in a year. To achieve this, Hearst took and implemented major decisions involving brands, content, technology and people. For Duncan Edwards ‘this is the most exciting time for content’ … but to share in its future, business needs turning on its head. Hear about the major decisions Hearst took and implemented to play for the future, and what it plans to do next.

 Duncan Edwards, President and CEO, Hearst Magazines International

Innovation in its DNA: Schibsted’s journey from 19th century print house to 21st century global digital media leader

From beginnings as a print house partner in 1839, Norway’s Schibsted today is considered one of the most progressive – and successfully transformed – legacy media companies with operations in 30 countries. The company’s strategy is built on a simply premise: to be a global leader across three complementary channels: online classified marketplaces, digital media houses and Schibsted Growth, its digital investment arm. Schibsted’s Pierre-Francois Marteau will provide insight into the company’s successful digital transformation, as well as key areas of development to consider for the future.

 Pierre-Francois Marteau, SVP of Strategy, Governance and Growth, Schibsted, Germany

The power of 7: key themes in content-driven media innovation today

ark what you think you know and open your mind to top media innovations from around the world. We identify and consider 7 main themes of innovations for content-centric businesses today, complete with case studies to show how some of the most innovative companies are designing their futures. Not limited to one market and packed with insights to take home, this session will provide you with a tour de force in media innovation.

 John Wilpers, Senior Director, Innovation Media Consulting, USA and
 Juan Señor, Partner, Innovation Media Consulting, UK

How to become a digital powerhouse in culture and in media

What do a 145-year-old museum and a legacy media institution have in common? They have to reinvent themselves to succeed in the digital world. Digital thinker and social media guru Sree Sreenivasan believes that the future of all businesses lies in storytelling and connecting the physical and the digital, the in-person and the online. Sree Sreenivasan has transformed the Metropolitan Museum of Art into a Webby Award winner and the world’s most influential museum on Twitter. In this session Sree will outline how he did it.

 Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

Content marketing on steroids

Hear how The Economist uses content to sell content. With its unique brand of news journalism, The Economist has long been a paid content success. Several initiatives across earned, owned and paid digital channels focus on boosting reader engagement and retention as well as acquiring new subscribers. Mark Cripps will reveal how the company works to combine data analysis, customer profiling and media planning with The Economist’s unique, much-admired (and somewhat provocative) content to arrive at the subscription sweet spot. Expect some interesting and unexpected revelations including the most effective calls to action, the most popular content types, the optimal - and unexpected - place to serve content, and how customers prefer to engage and interact.

 Mark Cripps, EVP Digital and Brands, The Economist, UK

From subscriptions to membership: what publishers need to know

Once mainly known as annual fundraising drivers of non-profit media, memberships are now evolving into a viable revenue source for innovative non-profit and for-profit media. Digital journalism professor Jake Batsell is an expert on media membership models. As a Knight Fellow embedded at the Texas Tribune he gained valuable insights into what works for the Tribune and other media companies. In his session he will talk about best practices, which models are likely replicable by other media and how memberships will evolve in the future.

 Jake Batsell, Assistant Professor at Southern Methodist University and former Texas Tribune fellow, USA

Play to work: telling stories through drones and 360-degree videos

Buzzfeed’s Open Lab in San Francisco brings in experts from a broad range of backgrounds for one-year fellowships - artists, journalists, hardware and software developers. Journalism technologist Ben Kreimer is one of them. In his session he will share how 360-degree video creates immersive journalism and how drones can be used not just for aerial video and photography but in the context of multimedia storytelling.

 Ben Kreimer, Journalism Technologist and Beta Fellow at BuzzFeed Open Labs, USA

What you should know about live streaming

Live streaming has been used for journalistic storytelling for several years, but in 2015 Periscope and Meerkat have made live streaming ubiquitous for both professional journalists and amateurs. Tim Pool will explain how to cover breaking news events, enhance long form storytelling and integrate live streaming into digital news platforms.

 Tim Pool, Director of Media Innovation, Fusion, USA

Top tips on creating winning distributed content strategies

 Stefan Betzold, MD Digital, BILD, Germany


Let’s get social

Sree’s back after his main stage session with a juicy social media masterclass designed to help you make the most of social media tools and platforms. Be ready to deep-dive into an interactive conversation filled with practical, actionable tips and case studies. You will learn:
•How to deepen your connections with your audience
•About new tools you must know and use
•How to get the “right” followers, fans, and connections
•How to use and understand metrics
•How to keep from drowning in information and participate efficiently with a sustainable social media strategy
•And more

 Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

Places for workshops are limited and available on a first come first served basis

Innovation and expansion at POLITICO: the Europe view

POLITICO is well known in US political circles for its incisive, cutting edge journalism and impact on global decision-makers, while in the industry it is also known for its sharp commercial development. In 2015, POLITICO took a step outside of its comfort zone, partnering with Axel Springer to launch POLITICO Europe, it’s first geography-specific brand extension. In late 2015, Politico Europe – ‘armed with evidence’ that it is exceeding its ‘very ambitious goals’ – set out big growth plans for 2016 and beyond. Join to hear about the Politico Europe journey.

 Matt Kominski, executive editor, Politico Europe, Belgium

Building Burda’s digital footprint around the world

Burda International has a two-pronged approach to building digital business: extending existing brands and content into digital models and looking for digital-first and mobile-first companies around the world as investment targets. Hear from Martin Weiss, who heads up Burda’s new ‘Digital Brands International’ division, about navigating digital opportunities across the globe.

 Martin Weiss, MD Digital Brands International, Burda, Germany

Inside the ever-evolving content operation at Paris Match

Whereas editors of the past were like captains steering ships, today it’s more like spinning the plates… and sometimes those plates break, says Olivier Royant of the role of modern day editors. One of the challenges for Paris Match to contend with is the different speed of news: ‘weekly’ and ‘now’. This has never been truer than in today’s world, where the content mill works in over-drive. Hear about their ever-evolving multi-platform strategy and how Olivier and his team innovate to ensure the brand’s quality of content shines through.

 Olivier Royant, Editor-in-Chief, Paris Match, France

How an investment in quality content has users turning over dollars

Nearly two years ago The New Yorker took down the paywall to its archives, triggering a proverbial run on the bank – its archive content. Five months later the paywall came back up, causing another run… on paid subscriptions. It wasn’t a fluke. Its digital audience is up 25 per cent year on year, and subscriptions more than 60 per cent! Regular, top quality content lies at the very heart of The New Yorker’s stunning performance. In this session you will get the inside track on The New Yorker’s digital content strategy and operations, and why creating superior, quality user experiences holds the key to sustainable brand success in a world where fickleness all too often holds sway.

 Henry Finder, Executive Editor, The New Yorker, USA

Google’s AMP project, the future of the mobile web and content players’ place within this world

There has never been a more exciting time for producers of content, with more ways than ever before to reach audiences around the globe. But with engagement with content increasingly through mobile phones, it requires a rethink not only in terms of how content is developed, but also the user experience when content is consumed. In late 2015, Google announced its open source Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project. Hear first-hand not only about the project, but also how Google views the future of the mobile web and content players’ place within this world.

 Nick Harthan, Global Product Partnerships, Singapore

Beyond launch: Axel Springer’s plans for its UPDAY play

 Jan-Eric Peters, Chief Product Officer, upday, Axel Springer, Germany

Where mobile is hot: developing digital media businesses in Africa

Africa is a continent where high levels of mobile penetration presents the single biggest media opportunity for the continent. Ringier Africa today runs content, classifieds and ecommerce businesses across 5 Sub-Saharan African countries. Hear how they have built the business, why mobile is crucial to business success and what other markets can learn from mobile innovation and trends on the African continent.

 Julian Artopé, Director, Ringier Africa, Kenya

7 common factors driving the most innovative digital news businesses in the world

Unprecedented access to and extensive interviews with executive leaders at BuzzFeed, Quartz, The Guardian and The New York Times and Vice enabled Lucy Küng to identify seven common factors driving digital news success. Lucy is here not only to tell us more about these factors, but also to share deeper insights into the thinking driving leaders at the helm of these operations forward.

 Lucy Küng, Author and Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the study of Journalism, University of Oxford, Switzerland

The stunning transformation of Centaur Media’s UK fortunes

 Andria Vidler, CEO, Centaur Media, UK

100-second pitches

Investing in digital: Why and how to think like VCs do

 Markus Schunk, CEO / Chairman, Holtzbrinck Digital, Germany

In dieser Programmvorschau noch nicht angekündigt: http://www.tanjaaitamurto.com/ aber auf der Webseite schon prominent vertreten unter der Überschrift:
Using the intelligence of the crowd – Q&A with Brown Institute’s Tanja Aitamurto

The power of live

Twitter remains one of the most powerful platforms through which to engage audiences around live events. Video, and in particular Periscope and Vine, increasingly plays a crucial role in live engagements. Hear from Rowan Barnett how publishers can make the most of live, targeting the mobile, video generation.

Rowan Barnett, Head of Media Partnerships EMEA, Twitter, Germany

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