IBC2016 Conference

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 29. Dezember 2016 um 11h19minzum Post-Scriptum


Der Antrag zur Teilnahme am Konferenz-Programm wird am 26. Mai 2016 wie folgt beantwortet:

Thank you for your submission to attend IBC2016. Your reference number is 3051973.

Our Media Centre will confirm your credentials and contact you shortly. Once approved, your confirmation will come from IBC2016 Registration. To ensure receipt of this confirmation please add the following email address to your contacts: ibcreg@itn-international.com.

Pick up your badge onsite in the Media Centre, located in the Jade Lounge, underneath Hall 8. You will need to provide a recognised national or international press card, a letter of commission, a verifiable business card or other proof of your media status.

Die Zustimmungserklärung wird erteilt am Dienstag, den 14. Juni 2016

Dear Wolf Siegert,

Thank you for registering for IBC2016. You have registered as an IBC Press - News Media.

IMPORTANT: This is your registration confirmation. You will need to print this email or have the QR code clearly visible on a mobile device to collect your badge.

Your confirmation number is [...]

Scan the above QR code at the PRESS registration desk in the Media Centre, Jade Lounge at the RAI to receive your badge.

Although your application has been approved, to collect your badge onsite you will need to show proof of your media status. This can be a valid business card, a current press card, a letter of commission or other verifiable proof of your media status.

The Media Zone will provide you with further information to help make your visit to IBC2016 a success. To access the Media Zone on the IBC website you should use the following, which are case sensitive:

Login: Press2016
Password: [...]

Dieses ist der LINK mit der Liste der Presse-Konferenzen.

Am 12. Juli 2016 kommt die Nachricht, dass die Keynote für die IBC Big Screen Experience- Session am Montag, den 12. September von Ang Lee gehalten werden wird.

Noch am gleichen Tag wird ein Interview-Termin beantragt.


Einen Tag nach dem Ende der Veranstaltung, kommt am Mittwoch, den 14. September 2016 16:41 Uhr, eine Mail von IBC Registration, "IBCReg@itnint.com", mit diesem "IBC2016 Trip Report":