Vor weniger als 24 Stunden traf am Ende des letzten Bürotages eine völlig unerwartete Nachricht ein:
"Tony, passed away unexpectedly in his sleep around December 11. "
Zusammen mit diesem Foto

und einer Einladung zu einem Beisammensein zu seinem Gedenken am 30. Dezember 2011 am Lake Anza in Berkeley.
An alle, die zu diesem Anlass nicht mit dabei sein können, gilt die folgende Einladung seines Bruders:
If you can not attend, but want to share any thoughts, please email me and let me know if you want any brief statement read at the memorial.
Alle über den "FEEDBACK"-Link auf der rechten Seite dieses Eintrags übermittelten Texte zu Tony Marienthal werden weitergeleitet.
Das ist der eigene Text - dem sich Andere gerne anschliessen mögen:
Tony loved Europe.
He was more than a visitor, whenever he showed up.
Friends invited him to stay.
Companies hired him for work and advise.
And we at the European Commission made him chair of the European ISDN User Forum, EIUF, user group.
All the input he gave us for work and life will remain
and help us to even better understand his people.
Aus der Anlage der Mailnachricht eines Menschen, der von sich sagt, dass er mit dem Verstorbenen eine "gemeinsame Wellenlänge" gehabt habe, befindet sich folgender Textauszug aus SFGate.com vom 18. Dezember 2011, in dem zu lesen ist:
Tony Marienthal 51, died on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at his home in Berkeley, CA. Tony was born
September 3, 1960 in Los Angeles. He received a Masters Degree in Telecommunications from NYU and
spent more than 20 years as a consultant and entrepreneur in the technology industry. Tony spent many
years working in Europe (including London and Oslo), and settled in Berkeley for the last 10 years to focus
on raising his beloved son. Tony was an avid athlete, and proudly participated in the "Escape from the
Rock" Alcatraz Triathlon for at least 25 years. Tony was also an active participant in the Mankind Project.
He loved music and playing the drums, sculpting with glass, and hardly ever missed the Renaissance Faire.
Tony is survived by his son Ryan-Erik Marienthal. He also leaves his sisters Penny Marienthal and Alisa
Groocock, and his brothers Kim and Paul Marienthal. He is survived by nephews Eli, Toby and Zack
Marienthal; Jordan Groocock; and niece Stellah Marienthal-LeGendre. He is also survived by his beloved
Joanna Giddons, as well as cousins and many friends all over the globe. We will deeply miss his passionate
and generous spirit, and we will honor his life at an intimate memorial service with family and friends.
Diese Mail traf am Abend jenes Tages ein, an dem der intimate memorial service with family and friends abgehalten wurde. Vielen Dank!