Und hier eine kleine Auswahl der an diesem Tag selber besuchten bzw. auch mit gestalteten Programme :
10:30 - 11:00
Opening and Keynotes
– Klaus Haasis, Geschäftsführer, MFG Medienentwicklung Baden-Württemberg, www.mfg.de
Klaus Haasis is Managing Director of MFG Baden-Württemberg, the public Innovation Agency for IT and Media in Baden-Württemberg. Since its foundation in 1995, MFG Baden-Württemberg has developed to one of the leading innovation agencies in Europe, focusing on information technology, software, telecommunication and the creative industries. Customers and partners are companies, associations, universities, ministries and other public organizations all over Europe. In 1997, Klaus Haasis was additionally appointed Managing Director of the newly established initiative Baden-Württemberg: Connected. Today, the initiative is the leading business network for promoting Baden-Württemberg as a center of IT and advanced technology. Since its foundation in 2005, Klaus Haasis has also been Managing Director of Linux Solutions Group, an initiative to promote Open Source Software. Prior to his current appointment, Klaus Haasis held a number of key leadership positions.
– Malte Behrmann, Rechtsanwalt und Geschäftsführer, GAME e.V., Bundesverband der Entwickler von Computerspielen, www.malte-behrmann.de/ Introduction
The aim of the event is to better understand regional support in Germany and in Europe in the sector of game development.Malte Behrmann, Director of Policy of GAME eV and General Secretary of EGDF will moderate the event and underlines in this context: "We have established something completely new,organized for the benefit of both, developers and regional institutions. I think it is exciting to see what different options of public support mechanisms are presented to us. Further, at the end of this workshop, we will have with a roundtable with some of the developer companies from Baden- Württemberg organized in the GAME Association. This year we are particularly pleased to have won three international guests from Korea, Finland and Norway – countries which have set standards of competitiveness in the world of interactive entertainment and IT.
Malte Behrmann, is an attorney based in Berlin.Malte co-founded the German National Association of Game Developers (GAMEe.V.) and serves today as the organisation’s managing director - politics. As general secretary of the European Game Developer Federation (EGDF), he also works actively on game development issues at the European level. Malte is also author of the book “Kino & Spiele, Öffentliche Förderung der Entwicklung von Computerspielen”
G.A.M.E. is the Federal Association of developers of computer games in Germany. It was founded in March 2004 as a federation of computer games developers, but by statutes it also involves producers, German publishers and suppliers. Meanwhile, the association has more than 60 members. Main objectives of the association are to improve the image of the industry in general and of the production situation in Germany in particular. More information about the association can be found at www.game-bundesverband.de
11:00 - 12:00
Play finland- The rise of Finnish Gaming Industry
– Keith Bonnici, programm manager, Tekes, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, www.tekes.fi
Technology programs – part of the innovation chain. Tekes’ technology programs are an essential part of the Finnish innovation system. These programs have proved to be an effective form of cooperation and networking for companies, universities and research institutes developing innovative products, processes and services. Technology programs boost development in specific sectors of technology or industry, and the results of the research work are passed on to business systematically. The programs also serve as excellent frameworks for international R&D cooperation. In 2006, Tekes invested €465 million in R&D projects by companies, universities and research institutes. The total volume of the projects was € 924 million. Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation is the main government financing and expert organization for research and technological development in Finland. Tekes finances industrial R&D projects as well as projects in universities and research institutes registered in Finland. Tekes especially promotes innovative, risk-intensive projects. Tekes offers partners from abroad a gateway to the key technology players in Finland.
Keith Bonnici works as a Programe Manager at Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. He is responsible of the game cluster and open source issues in Tekes. His interests include also software, mobile and international business development issues. Before Tekes Keith Bonnici has worked as a investment banker few years and before that he has a six years entrepreneur background in software business.
12:00 - 13:00
Public funding for Game Development in Korea
– Tea Geon Sao, Vice-President, Korea Game Industry Agency
The Korea Game Industry Agency (KOGIA), established in 1999 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was the first national organization to promote and to nourish the national game industry. For this purpose the Korean government has established a separate law and supported the Korean game industry as the strategic industry for the 21st century.
Locally, KOGIA is currently publishing various articles and reports including the Korean Game White paper with various statistical data about Korean and also the whole world. Moreover, KOGIA is putting its best effort to assist in excavating the creative and diverse game contents by hosting various game design competitions and seminars and to create the basis for the game industry by conducting various researches on the current game industry status. Internationally, KOGIA focused on building network between Korean companies and international publishers/investors by assisting Korean game companies to enter into new international markets and also hosted various investment seminars.
Seo Tea-Geon, the Vice-president of the Korean Game Industry Agency will introduce their past and present public funding support schemes.
13:00 - 14:00
Funding for Games in Norway
– Kaja Hench Dyrlie
How are functioning the norwegian support programes forthe Games Industrie? Which new schemes for games are existing from 2009 onwards in Norway and what are the results so far?
Kaja Hench Dyrlie who will talk about these questions has been in charge of the support scheme run by the Norwegian Film Fund (Norwegian Film Institute from April 1st ) since the start in 2004. She worked in the film industry since 1990, abd as Producer from 1998.Hench Dyrlie was Producer of several interactive projects in Hybris Film from 1998 to 2004. She started in April this year at the Norwegian Film Fund The fund administers the state grant schemes for the production of films, television series and games, and serves in an advisory capacity to the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs on film policy. The fund also organizes activities associated with Eurimages and Media Desk Norway. The fund’s efforts are primarily targeted towards independent production companies. In addition to direct production support schemes, the film fund administers seven different production grant schemes: Feature-length films (according to consultant evaluation), including project development, production and release. Feature-length films (according to market evaluation) including production and release International minority co-productions. Short film, including project development and production. Television series, including project development and production. Games (project development only). Post-release funding in proportion to ticket sales. For 2008, the grant schemes for film, television production and games under the Norwegian Film Fund is total NOK 330 million, appr. € 41.250 000
Auch der Nachmittag bleibt dem gleichen Themen-"Track" treu. Und betrachtet das ganze Umfeld nunmehr aus der nationalen und regionalen Sicht. Daher auch der Name "Regio Summit". Der Sack wird dann zugemacht ab
17:00 Uhr
Round Table: Game Developers in Baden-Württemberg
The roundtable aims at presenting the variety of Game Developers in Baden-Württemberg to a broader public and offers a networking platform for the Game Industry. Participating Copanies are: Acony, Chromatrix, Gameforge, Spellbound, Trinigy.
– Felix Röken, General Manager, Trinigy GmbH
Trinigy is an independent company focusing on the development of advanced 3D graphics technology with its headquarters based in Southern Germany and offices in Austin, TX (USA). In the field of 3D game engines, Trinigy is one of the world’s leading companies.
Vision Engine Trinigy’s cutting-edge Vision Game Engine forms the basis of numerous game titles, helping game creators to bring more immersive graphics onto the screen while at the same time drastically reducing development time and effort. Well-known game companies like Firefly, Take 2, Neowiz, Zed Group, dtp Entertainment und Spellbound use Vision for developing their games. More than 70 titles for PC, Xbox360 and Playstation®3 all over the world are based on the Vision Engine - ranging from Action, FPS and Sports over RTS and RPG titles to MMO games. Felix Roeken started his professional career as a banker at Deutsche Bank AG, counseling start-up companies in financial and structural concerns. In the late nineties, he co-founded Vulpine GmbH, a game technology company. During his time as General Manager, the company accomplished multiple financing rounds, grew from five to 30 employees, and established world-wide market and sales activities. Today, he serves as General Manager at privately owned engine middleware firm Trinigy and is in charge of financing, sales and marketing affairs.
– Klaas Kersting, CEO, Game Forge
The Gameforge AG is the largest independent supplier of browser- and client-based MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) worldwide. More than 50 million players in 30 countries have already registered for Gameforge games throughout the world, and 8 million people actively play the company’s MMOGs.
OGame must be among the best known browser-based MMOGs of the Karlsruhe gaming specialist. In addition, Gameforge offers more top games such as Ikariam, WarpFire, Gladiatus or BiteFight to the rapidly growing market of online games and belongs, together with its large game portfolio, to one of the leading developers and publishers of browser games in the European market. Publishing client-based online games such as the Korean martial arts game Metin2 or the fantasy game NosTale is the company’s second strategic core area.
Klaas Kersting and Alexander Roesner established Gameforge in December 2003. The well-known investor Accel Partners has had a share in the company since August 2007.
Please refer to www.gameforge.de for additional information on the company and its games.
– Stefan Blanck, Managing Director, Chromatrix GmbH
Chromatrix GmbH is a service provider for software entertainment projects. Our collaborater are working over 15 years in this business as producer, designer, programmer, and play a leading role in over 50 internationally published projects. We offer our know how to development studios and publishers for specific tasks to provide their project a higher sales potential. Our customers get fast access to high qualified competences with low risk. We are able to fullfill different demands with highest flexibility. Depending on the objectives, our services can be concentrated on special parts of a project or support can be given until completion. Stefan Blanck, Managing Director at Chromatrix GmbH will give a briefly introduction of 17 mobile games Chromatrix developed in the past, Current mobile games project in development as well as Services for PC, Console, Mobile, and Cross Media Projects Company.
– Jochen Hamma, Studio Manager, Spellbound
Spellbound and its founder Armin Gessert look back on a history of 24 years of game development. Since then the German Games Development market has seen many companies being established and being closed down. Jochen Hamma reports on the most important lessons learned and gives an overview of Spellbound’s strategy for the next years to come.Jochen Hamma, married, diploma in business economics has worked in the games industry since 1989. Managing Director of attic Entertainment Software GmbH, Producer of award winning Realms of Arkania - Startrail and Shadows over Riva has served as a Consultant and Producer for various projects over the last decade. Since 2005 he has been working for Spellbound, he was involved in Desperados 2 and Helldorado as Project Manager, is currently busy producing Gothic 4 at Spellbound and frequently holds lectures on Game and Interface Design at Universities and Game Development Schools. He is a founding member of the Frankfurt IGDA Chapter and a member of the Game Designers Guild Germany.The Spellbound Entertainment AG is one of the leading German Game developers. The company is based in Kehl has been responsible for the creation of more than 20 games. Spellbound became known internationally through its Desperados and Airline Tycoon series both of which sold worldwide with great success.
– Sandra Winderlich, HR Director, Acony GmbH & Co. KG
Es ist in der Tat recht viel Zeit, die es aufzuwenden gilt, um einen Einblick in das Wachsen und Gedeihen einer Industrie zu erhalten, die - im Vergleich zu den etablierten Genres Broadcast, Musik und Film die mit Abstand am schnellsten wachsende ist.
Allerdings wird auch klar, dass dieser Wachstum nicht von selbst gekommen ist. Das Beispiel Korea macht dieses exemplarisch deutlich.
Während hier in den letzten 10 Jahren darum gekämpft werden musste, bis dass die Spieleentwicklung überhaupt als Teil einer kulturellen Tätigkeit angekannt wird, haben sich in Korea drei Ministerien darum gestritten, wer im eigenen Lande die Vorherrschaft über dieses Thema wird übernehmen können: das Miinsterium für Telekommunikation, das Industrieministerium oder das für Kultur, Sport und Tourismus.
Während in Korea seit 2005 die Industrie inzwischen als so reif angesehen wird, dass sich der Staat mehr und mehr aus der aktiven direkten Subventionierung zurückziehen und neue Bereiche des Interesses aktivieren kann - zum Beispiel die künstlerischen und pädagogischen Aktivitäten - ist man in den hiesigen Gefilden gerade erst dabei, die ersten Saatkörner in den schon seit langem fruchtbaren Boden zu vergraben.
Interessant ist zu hören, dass in Koera bereits über die Vorbereitung der dritten Stufe einer Beteiligungsstrategie nachgedacht wird. Das Thema heisst: One Source, Muti Use und geht davon aus, dass eine Geschichte über alle Plattformen hinweg entwickelt, positioniert und vermarktet wird.
In einem längeren Hintergrundespräch war es sogar möglich, nicht nur etwas über die internen Irrungen und Wirrungen zu erfahren, sondern ein kleines Stück weit gemeinsam darüber nachzudenken, was der common denominator dieser neuen Konvergenzstrategie sei. Ein komplexes Thema, das sicherlich nicht an einem Nachmittag einer Lösung zugeführt werden kann. Aber eine Antwort ist es, die sich dennoch abzeichnet: Es wird nicht darum gehen, dass die Welt der Spiele als neuer Unterhaltungs-Guru alle anderen Bereiche mit und in sich vereinnahmen wird, sondern darum, eine gemeinsames Vielfaches zu finden, das irgendwo jenseits dieser drei medialen Welten angelegt ist. Hinter den Geschichten der Volkshelden und der heldenhaften Geschichte eines Volkes: in der Tradition einer Kultur und darin, was sich davon in der digitalen Welt wird erhalten und neu gestalten können.
Ein weites Feld - ein spannendes Thema.
Und da sich das Kino dieser Konvergenzstrategie aus koreanischer Sicht am hartnäckigsten zu verschliessen scheint, war die letzte Session dieses Tages - unter eigener Beteiligung - eben diesem Thema gewidmet:
18:00 - 19:00
VR Space - Interactive Platform For Cinemas / Gaming Venues
– Jos Striedl, CEO + CAO, VR Space Theatres
VR Space Theatres has developed and operated a new form of interactive event cinema worldwide. What makes this special is, that the audience views a real time 3D stereo projected film, including special designed 3D goggles (comfortable & cool), and can participate in - and therefore influence - the events on the screen by means of an input system in the specially designed cinema set. Individual and majority polls that influence the course of the show are performed by a highly talented mediator (navigator).
Jos Striedl is the CEO & Artistic Director/Keeper of the Vision of VR
Space Theatres. He started in the filmbiz at Bavaria Film in 1988 (Klaus
Emmerich’s "Red Earth"). After changing to Vienna in 1989 he produced
and directed feature films and directed theatrical plays. He worked
parallel as Casting Director on over 50 films for International agencies
and film production companies - e.g. for Roger Spottiswood’s "Mesmer -
Healer or Charlatan" (leadingrole Alan Rickman) or Heye+Partner’s
"McDonalds" campaign. Striedl raised funding for shows, theatre and film productions. Back to Munich and Berlin as a creator he was granted the German patent for a special state of the art mix of an Interactive showroom for Theatres, Cinemas, and new gaming venues in December 2002. An additional worldwide PCT Patent status is pending. Jos Striedl created together with a great team of innovative people the worldwide brand new VR Space Theatres Franchise/LIVE Platform label - an Immersive Interactive Platform "Level Unlimited - IIP 3D" (workingtitle). The VR Space Theatres worldwide premiere is planned in 2009 in Berlin and parallel in 4 other countries. VRST is selling platform licences for developers and venue owners.