CeBIT Bili?im Eurasia [I]

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Januar 2015 um 17 Uhr 03 Minuten


An diesem Tage wurde die CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 2007 in
Istanbul eröffnet.

Bereits am Sonntagabend gab es die Gelegenheit zu einem Vorgespräch mit dem "Genel Müdür", dem General Manager Dennis Smith. Aus dem mittleren Westen der USA kommend, hat er inzwischen 17 Jahre in der Türkei verbracht und er kennt das Land und seine Leute wie seine Westentasche.

Auch wenn die CeBIT in der Türkei vielleicht nicht zahlenmässig die grösste Veranstaltung dieser Art sei, von ihrer Bedeutung her sei sie es auf alle Fälle. Nicht nur, dass alle Ministerien aus Ankara ihre Delegationen senden, viele Stände besetzten und sich vor allem dafür engagieren würden, dass auch die kleineren und mittleren Betriebe sich für diese Messe zu engagieren begännen, wichtig sei vor allem die Entscheidung, in diesem Jahr nicht nur die Spitzen der Politik dabei zu haben, sondern auch die der Wirtschaft.

Sei es bisher so gewesen, so Smith, dass vor allem das Fachpublikum die Messe besucht und dann die Entscheidungsträgern im Unternehmen berichtet habe, sei man nun dazu übergegangen, diese direkt anzusprechen, ebenfalls zu einem exklusiven Besuchsprogramm einzuladen und für sie ein entsprechendes und ansprechendes Programm aufzubauen.

Das solle den Fachleuten ermöglichen, ihre Vorstellungen und Vorschläge gegenüber einem Vorgesetzten noch besser vertreten und auch durchsetzen zu können, nach dies die Vorteile und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten selber einmal vor Ort - sprich an den Ständen und mit den entsprechenden Informationen - selber habe nachvollziehen können.

Auch das Thema "Digital Living" wurde angesprochen. Aber selbst hier würde es nicht so sehr um die neuen Endgeräte gehen, sondern eher darum, was ein solches Gerät besser kann als andere, oder aber zu günstigeren Konditionen, oder mit besonderen Technolgien, die im Zusammenhang einer solchen Show vorgeführt werden würden.

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den Journalisten

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gemeinsam mit Herrn Wurst, dem CeBIT Sales Direktor.

[There’s more to come - in the meantime you may check the official wording of the Organizer:]

Istanbul, 10 May 2007 – This year, the biggest business development platform of Eurasia, CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia, will be organized at the Istanbul Tüyap Beylikdüzü Fair and Congress Center during 2 - 7 October 2007. [1] CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia, which is a center of attraction for participants and visitors coming from all over the world, triggers business and corporation between enterprises and enriches it with new projects.

CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia ranks as sixth biggest exhibition among world ICT fairs and as third in the order of Europe. This year, the show will continue its main three sections: Business World, Digital Life and Telecommunications.

Business World section expected to exceed 10 thousand square meters
The number of participants taking part in the section, Business World, planned especially for professionals, is growing each year. This year, the section will keep its function to be a special area completely reserved to businessmen, and entrance will be given by registrations in return of business cards. The Business World, of which the content has been prepared in line with the expectations of the business world and new trends of the changing market, has hosted 241 companies in 2005 and another 288 in 2006. This year, it is expected to grow and to host about 315 participating companies.

Within the "Special Zones", which will be found in the main section of business World where sound broadcasting is not allowed, there will be further an area reserved for the first time this year called "Mobile Business Solutions" in addition to the YASAD Software and Innovation zones, which have been started last year.

While the YASAD Software Zone, organized by the cooperation of the Turkish Software Industrialist’s Association, will provide opportunities to Turkish programmers to open to the world, Innovation Zone will showcase innovative ideas, which have been transformed to a product or a service.
In the Mobile Business Solutions zone, set up for the first time this year, companies will provide mobile solutions to all operational units of enterprises and demonstrate their products and services ranging from mobile TV to messaging applications, from intelligent payment systems to mobile community management.

Business and social life to integrate in Digital Life
The main section Digital Life, which will showcase products changing the life style of the business and daily life, will be spread over the halls 4,5,6,7 and 8 of the fairground. The section, Digital Life, addressing individuals and demonstrating technologies which direct new life styles, will present consumer electronic products, digital printing and imagining appliances, pc’s and peripheral units.

Like last year, e-governmental and university projects, will be located under the thematic sections the Public Sector and the Future Parc.
Another thematic section, which will be organized for the first time within the frame of the main section Digital Life, will be Job & Career. This section will answer to the requirements of human resources, considered to be the equity of the information society. This special area, where the right people are aimed to meet the right corporations, is expected to host from youngsters at the first step of their career to managers and human resources of any level.
he ultimate point of new generation communication at telecommunications
Telecommunications will be one of the main three sections of CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia. This year, this section where next generation operators will demonstrate their recent products and services providing cost advantages and innovation to enterprises, will gather all players of the increasingly dynamic market. Beside availability of Far Distance Telephone Service operators, exchanges, Internet and satellite services and call center applications, this section will be the place where applications will be launched for the first time.
On the other hand, new projects, which CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia has developed with national and international trade and public institutions, will be announced within the next coming days.


[1This year, the biggest Information and Communication Technology Fair of Eurasia, CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia, will be realized at the Istanbul Tüyap Beylikdüzü Fair and Congress Center between 2-7 October 2007. CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia is organized by HIF A.Ş. (Hannover Fairs Interpro Uluslararası Fuarcılık A.Ş), established in the partnership of Deutsche Messe AG in Istanbul (DMAG) and Interpro A.S.

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