NAB_08 (IV)

VON Julie ColombetZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Januar 2015 um 20h31min


Da es von der Eröffnungsveranstaltung der NAB-Show [1] Bilder zuhauf geben wird, soll an dieser Stelle lieber in Auszügen aus der State of the Industry Opening Keynote Address des NAB Präsidenten und CEO, David K. Rehr zitiert werden:

Dabei wird gleich zu Beginn klar, dass mit dieser Veranstaltung endgültig die bisherige und alleinige Dominanz von Radio und Fernsehen als Broadcast-Medien auch ganz offiziell in Frage gestellt wird - inden man sich selber nach der eigenen Zukunft in seinem Geschäfts befragt:

[...] Some people might think that, as head of the National Association of Broadcasters, I might not like that upstart YouTube. The truth is - I am intrigued by YouTube. It’s funny. It’s offbeat. It’s free.

I mean, where else would you find things like this?

I think we can all agree, what you find on YouTube is a different world - It certainly is a different world for me. And it raises this question for radio and TV broadcasting. Because of YouTube, because of the internet, because of cell phones and iPods …is our model broken?

Has technology and cultural change made us no longer relevant?

Look at this. If you go to YouTube’s Web site, it says, "YouTube-Broadcast Yourself."

They use the word "broadcast."

They obviously don’t think the word is outdated… or tired… or irrelevant. But the question is, do we? We know that the world has changed. Consumers have more options than ever before. The media landscape is rapidly changing. We’re being buffeted by forces larger than our industry. Some in the business are a bit disoriented. Some are overwhelmed by the changes taking place. Frankly, some are not optimistic about broadcasting’s future.

Auch wenn David Rehr keinen Zweifel daran lässt, dass er in seiner aktuellen Rolle alle Veranlassung hat, der Zukunft seiner Branche mit Zuversicht entgegenzusehen, macht er klar, unter welchen Voraussetzungen diese gemeistert werden kann:

Every morning there is a new challenge and a new opportunity ahead. But broadcasters… and you know this, broadcasters can be a bit of a cynical bunch. And I’m afraid, that some people in this business have been staring so long at the door that’s closing, they haven’t seen the new door that’s opening. The digital door.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, how do we promote our future? How do we promote our business and our valuable content?

Von dieser Position ausgehend bezieht er sich zunächst sehr ausführlich auf die Rolle das Radios und macht ohne Umschweife klar, dass der Text des Bloggers Jon Fine mit der Überschrift "Requiem for Old-Time Radio" durchaus einen vordergründigen Anlass für seine Berechtigung hat:

In fact, I think one thing that’s changed is that many in the industry have been so worn down by the battles and buffeting, that they themselves have forgotten the magic of radio.

Aber dann macht er auf die Ergebnisse einer Studie aufmerksam, die die NAB in Auftrag gegeben und nach Umfragen unter mehr als 5.000 Amerikanern zu dem Ergebnis geführt hat, das das Radio auch in Zukunft seine Bedeutung behalten wird.

If you’re listening to radio, you want to hear a human voice sharing that same moment in time that you are. There is power in that personal bond. A CD doesn’t have that connection. An iPod doesn’t have it. No, our model is not broken.

Und an anderer Stelle werden die Daten nochmals ausführlich vorgetragen:

In fact, when you look at Arbitron data, what you find is that in a world of ever-growing choices, radio continues to add millions of listeners each year. Last March, it was estimated that 232 million people listen to radio in a given week. This March that estimation is up 3 million people …to 235 million. No, radio’s business model is NOT broken.

But, we do have challenges and we have to address them. We learned from our research that many listeners acknowledge that they take radio for granted precisely because it’s so pervasive. The public’s love of radio is still there, they just need to be reminded of it. We need to reignite that passion.

4 Punkte werden benannt, die für den zukünftigen Erfolg des Radios wichtig sein werden:

First, technology. We are going to make sure that radio is incorporated on every new gadget, everywhere-especially mobile, hand-held devices.

Second, the survey found that people want new, unique content. They want niche channels.

This brings me to the great possibilities of HD Radio. There are those who said HD Radio would never make it-too expensive, too few stations, too this, too that. That attitude is changing. Ford, Mercedes, Volvo and BMW are just a few automakers that have made major announcements about offering HD Radio in their vehicles. And radio stations are stepping up to offer the programming to support new multicast channels of HD Radio. We still have a lot of work to do on this, but we are certainly headed in the right direction.

Third, we have to build for our future. Armed with what we learned from consumers in this survey - and with what we know about our business and the changing landscape - we have to act now to ensure radio prospers well into the next century.

Fourth, we must reignite our consumers. We need to remind them why they love radio.

Wenn im Jahr 2020 das Radion einhundert Jahre "alt" sein wird, werden folgende Argumente immer noch für seine Zukunft sprechen:

- That radio is accessible and everywhere they are.
 That it’s simple and convenient to use- there is no CD to change, nothing to download, nothing to subscribe to, no playlist to build and nothing to recharge.
 That it’s available to everyone, regardless of their education or economic status. Radio is a great equalizer, a great unifier.
 It reaches out to you no matter what your status or station in life

Das zweite Schwerpunktthema ist das Fernsehen, und hier vor allem die nunmehr bevorstehende Abschaltung des analogen Fernsehens aim 17. Februar 2009.

I know for many of you, it’s been a tough environment. We know there are challenges. There are immense changes happening in television broadcasting. But remember, television stations and networks are leading the digital revolution. This may be the last opportunity I have to speak with many of you before full-power television stops broadcasting in analog. It is truly an end of an era. And it’s fitting that we should be a little nostalgic about that. This is like leaving a home that we have lived in happily for many years, a home we’ve grown up in - but now grown out of. It is time for us to move on. So we close the door.

On February 17, 2009, as TV’s old analog signal ends and we begin our digital future, one door closes…but another opens. It’s the door to a new life. A bigger and brighter, more exciting life. It’s a new future and an explosion of possibilities. In the process, TV screens in nearly 20 million households currently receiving free-over-the-air signals will stop receiving that signal. But they’ll start receiving a better one.

The transition to DTV is NAB’s highest television priority. Every broadcast network and television station is participating in a campaign that includes on-air, online and various media and grassroots initiatives. Television stations, networks and NAB are making a billion dollar commitment to DTV transition education. We are working together in an unprecedented effort to ensure every American is aware of the transition and knows how to take action.

We anticipate that each household will be exposed to a DTV message at least 642 times before February. Spots like this one are running in every market around the country.

Und dann wird die "Büchse der Pandora" geöffnet und über die ganze Spannweite des Rundfunks der Zukunft - egal wie er sich dann auch immer wird nennen mögen - reflektiert:

We will leave no TV set behind. And many of us believe there will be a renaissance of over the air viewing with crystal clear pictures, phenomenal sound and more channels and services. And it’s free - the way TV should be. Not to mention, HDTV - the jewel of digital broadcasting.

The clarity of HD television is truly spectacular. This is by far the greatest step forward in television technology since color TV was introduced. And the benefits are amazing. America will be wowed.

A moment ago, I mentioned the explosion of possibilities that will result from the DTV transition, so let me say a bit more about the door that is opening. NAB is aggressively moving to get digital TV on cell phones, iPods, TV screens in cars, portable video players, laptop computers and more.

That’s live TV on upwards of 345 million devices. That’s your favorite morning show live on your handheld device on the bus to work.That’s the baseball game keeping your boys quiet in the back seat of the car. That’s not missing a college basketball game during March Madness, because you can catch it on your cell phone.

By 2012, only four years away, three years after the transition itself, broadcast television could earn an estimated additional $2 billion a year in revenues from mobile video alone. But first, we have to get a single industry standard adopted and the technology deployed. NAB is moving full steam ahead.

We’ve put dollars into action with the Open Mobile Video Coalition and the NAB’s technology advocacy program, FASTROAD. Both of these efforts are committed to move television beyond the family room to everywhere viewers are. We are not looking back.

We need your help to accelerate all of our actions on the DTV transition because we’re nearing the end and the beginning on February 17, 2009. We are aggressively moving forward. The TV broadcasting model still works. And we have just begun to explore the possibilities of the Internet.

The majority of U.S. homes have a broadband connection. An increasing number of consumers are watching TV shows online. There are great new revenue opportunities to be seized. And many of our stations and networks are already taking advantage of this. As I heard someone in our business say recently, we must begin to make the Internet part of our DNA.

There is an explosion of content out there and we have to be smart and nimble about how we deliver it to our consumers. After all, broadcasters’ content is still the best.

As we move into the digital future, there will only be more possibilities… more opportunities… more revenue streams on the horizon. Just look around at the Show this week. Look at all of the exciting ways our exhibitors are bringing content to life. This is an exciting time to be in the broadcasting business.

Es folgen schliesslich die "Innenpolitischen Themen", auf deren Wiedergabe an dieser Stelle verzichtet wird, aber nicht, ohne dem Sprecher nicht das letzte Wort gegeben zu haben.

And if we believe in broadcasting...if we believe in ourselves...and if we believe in our future…then we will prosper in the new digital era.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.

Wie entscheidend das Thema der Digitalisierung auch in ganz anderen Branchen ist zeigt die exemplarisch vorgeführte Zusammenarbeit der Firmen DreamWorks and HP, die sich am Nachmittag dieses Tages gemeinsam unter dem Titel: Digital Innovation: What You Dream is What You Get präsentiert haben.

Mit von der Partie waren auf der Bühne:

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 Todd Bradley, HP executive vice president of the personal systems group

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 Roger Enrico, chairman of the board for DreamWorks Animation

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und auf der Leinwand wurde eine Aufzeichnung eingespielt mit

 Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive officer and director of DreamWorks Animation [2]

Die ganze Veranstaltung hat als LiveStream [3] wird nachhaltig deutlich gemacht, wie sehr Rehr mit seiner am Vormittag vorgetragenen These den Nerv der Zeit getroffen hatte.

In der Keynote von John Gage, Chief Researcher and Director of the Science Office, Sun Microsystems, Inc wird klar, dass heute das Thema "Broadcasting" in einem ganz neuen Zusammenhang von Netz-Welten und vernetzten Welten durchzudeklinieren sein wird. Die Familie Katzenberg ist dafür für ihn nur ein prominentes Beispielen von unendlich vielen das zeigt, dass die Fremdreferenzierung über den Broadcaster immer mehr ergänzt wird duch die eigene Inanspruchnahmen der Möglichkeiten der Selbst-Darstellung und -Orientierung.

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Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved
Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved

Gage macht das einzig Richtige: er lässst die jugenlichen Nutzer von heute selber zu Wort kommen und bittet vier Studenten auf die Bühne um auf seine Fragen zu antworten:

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Ryan Huestis, Student, Baylor University

Melanie Sayed, Student, Baylor University

Deandre’ Upshaw, Student, Baylor University

Bethany Wekesser, Student, Baylor University

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Um das Thema so richtig "rund" zu machen, engagiert sich SONY am frühen Abend ebenfalls in dieser Richtung. Und spricht mit seinen Weiterentwicklungen im Softwarebereich vor allem die neu heranwachsende sogenannte "Prosumer" Generation an:

LAS VEGAS, NV - April 14, 2008 Following the industry-wide adoption of the Sony Blu-ray high definition DVD format, Sony Creative Software today announced upgrades to its DVD Architect and Blu-print applications for authoring Blu-ray discs. Ongoing development of Blu-ray authoring solutions reinforces Sony’s commitment to offer comprehensive production solutions, from software to hardware, at the prosumer and global production scale. [...]

Sony Creative Software inspires artistic expression with its award-winning line of products for digital video, music, DVD, and audio production. As a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, the company also develops applications that enhance the experience for users of Sony hardware devices. Sony Creative Software customers span the globe and include seasoned professionals in the film, television, video game, and recording industries, as well as students, educators, hobbyists, and enthusiasts. For more information, visit

Auch die Leute vom Marketing machen an dieser Stelle das vielleicht einzig Richtige: sie lassen die Anwender sprechen. Und gehen soweit, dass sie selbst die Vertreter der Systempartner, hier im Bild Charlie Boswell von AMD [4], als überzeugten Anhänger und Nutzer [sic!] ihrer Software präsentieren.

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Am Ende des Tages: Ein Empfang aus Anlass des nunmehr fünften Jahrestages der Digital Cinema Society. [5], [6].

Join us for an evening of fun, food, drink and networking DCS style on Monday, April 14th from 7 pm - 10 pm at the Tuscany Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Thanks to the generosity of our Member Appreciation Gala sponsors: Panasonic, Sony Electronics, S.two, Adobe, B&H Photo-Video-ProAudio, Thomson Grass Valley, Blackmagic Design, Band Pro Film & Digital, Location Sound, Abel Cine Tech, Artbeats, Chimera, Birns & Sawyer, Avid, Kino Flo, JL Fisher, IVC, DigitalFilm Tree, Studio Daily, Adobe, Focus Enhancements, Steve Wright Visual FX, NetApp and Goodman’s Guides who have contributed toward our refreshments as well as a bevy of valuable raffle and silent auction prizes, this event is sure to be a night to remember.

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Und danach: "Las Vegas Night Out" [7].


[1The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at

[2Der Hinweis, dass Katzenberg "nur" als Ablichtung seiner selbst auftreten würde, war in vielen Fällen nicht oder nicht hinreichend vermittelt worden. Das war irreführend und hätte dahingehend korrigiert werden können, dass das von HP selbst entwickelte und propagierte "Hello"-Konferenzsystem auch zum Einsatz gekommen wäre.

[3It’s an age where everyone can broadcast their thoughts, ideas and digital creations worldwide over a variety of platforms. Is this just a passing fad or the start of a new era in broadcasting?

[4Director Digital Media & Entertainment Division, Corporate Marketing

[5Not to worry if you are unable to make it to NAB this year; DCS will help keep you updated. In partnership withStudio Daily, we will roam the show floor, shooting presentations of interest to our members, which should be up and streaming by the end of April. For daily reports from the show, be sure to log into the DCS forums for James Mathers running commentary from this year’s show. To access the DCS forums visit: click here or go directly from the members area of the DCS website.

[6Und was hat der Autor im Verlauf der Raffle - das ist eine Art Lotterie an der man sich mit gekauften Losen beteiligen kann - gewonnen? Die Sony Pictures Cinescore™ Software with The Big Picture and Urban24/7 Royalty Free Theme Packs .

[7Und auch von diesem Ereignis werden keine Fotos eingestellt oder nachgereicht werden. Manchmal geht eben nichts über die gute Erinnerung an einen tollen Abend, der manches über den Haufen warf - und andererseits auch bestätigte - was man sich immer so an Vor-Urteilen über das Entertainment-Business in dieser Stadt gemacht hat.

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