IBC_08 (IV)

VON Julie ColombetZUM Montag Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Januar 2015 um 21h34min


Hier das Programm des heutigen Tages mit dem Thema: "New Dimensions For The Big Screen" im Überblick:

09:30 - 11:00 hrs
Capturing and creating stereoscopic 3D content

Chaired by:
 Howard Lukk, Vice President, Production Technology, The Walt Disney Studios, USA [1]

 Steve Schklair, Founder & CEO, 3Ality Digital Systems, USA

 Kommer Kleijn, Freelance Director of Photography and Stereographer, IMAGO, EDCF, Belgium

 Todd Cogan, Business Development, PACE, USA

 Darwyn Peachey, Supervising Technical Director, Pixar Animation Studios, USA

This session will look at the variety of ways that stereo images can be generated, from cyberspace to motion capture and live action recording. On the way we will take a deep look at both the equipment and the techniques to generate compelling and exciting images that do not produce unwanted or unintended discomfort.

Creators are already in debate about the best way to position and align the cameras. You will hear about about interocular, vergence, toeing, stereo depth, the triad reflex, depth cues, floating windows, screen planes, visual conflicts and many new terms. There are new roles for the camera crew, new monitoring techniques and now a new job – the stereographer.

And what about the 2D versions of 3D productions? How will they differ – just a single eye extract or a whole new version? How will screen size and viewing position affect the creative choices? What about the cut velocity? It is early days in this area - come and be part of the debate with leading experts and those with practical expertise in capturing and creating stereoscopic 3D content.

11:30 - 13:00 hrs
Putting it all together

Chaired by:
 Wendy Aylsworth, Vice President of Engineering, Warner Bros & SMPTE, USA


 Neil Feldman, Owner/Executive Vice President, In-Three, Inc, USA

 Simon Robinson, Chief Scientist, The Foundry, UK

 Lucas Wilson, Director, Business Development, Assimilate Inc, USA

 Nicholas Routhier, President & CEO, Sensio Technologies, Canada

 John Nicolard, Head of Digital Production, FotoKem Digital Film Services, USA

New tools are required to visualise, preview and post produce the new content. How many of the creative choices can be realised in post production? In this session we travel from the raw content to the digital master. Our speakers will show new products in live screen format to demonstrate the capabilities - and sometimes correct the acquisition errors.

How far does the cinematographer need to reach into this domain? What about the standards that will be required and will the projection equipment allow device independent mastering?

14:00 - 15:10 hrs
The presentation alternatives, and considerations for exhibitors

Chaired by:
 Nico Simon, CEO, Utopia Group, Luxembourg


 Richard Welsh, Manager, Digital Cinema Services, Dolby Laboratories, Inc, UK

 Mark Welton, Executive Vice President, Digital Development, IMAX Corporation, Canada

 Mohammad Ahmadi, President of Technologies, XpanD, USA

Building on the debate at last year’s conference, we look at the alternative ways of presenting stereo images and consider both the technical and commercial differences that are available. New developments addressing image brightness, crosstalk and auditorium position will be shown.

Will these new systems be challenging and changing the early market share holders, and will the market be growing as fast as the film-makers want? This is another session where seeing the alternatives is a special opportunity.

14:00 - 15:30 hrs
Images of tomorrow - will the world demand more than HD?

15:40 - 17:20 hrs
Unique to cinema - but for how long?

Chaired by:
 Bill Foster, Senior Technology Consultant, Futuresource Consulting, UK


 Matt Cowan, Chief Scientifc Officer, Real D, Canada

 Joshua Greer, President & Co-Founder, RealD, USA

 Keith Elliott, Director, New Business Technology - DLP HDTV, Texas Instruments, USA

 Ken Blakeslee, Chairman, WebMobility Ventures, UK

 Robert Kisor, Vice President, Engineering and Technical Services, Paramount Pictures & President SMPTE, USA

 John Zubrzycki, Principal Research Engineer, Research and Information, BBC, UK

The stereo 3D experience is currently largely unique to the theatrical domain. But the television industry is not standing still: with some TV sets already equipped to show stereo images, how long will it be before stereo 3D broadcasts are commonly available?

Manufacturers are already assembling to create an orderly technical environment and determine the standards that will be required, and SMPTE has just announced a process to get this under way.

As recorded media drives so much of today’s movie returns, how critical is the 3D DVD player and display to ongoing investments by the major studios? And what about the convergence of video games with video content? The emerging use of 3D capable video eyewear and pico projectors with mobile phones, iPods and other media players? Will this bring an element of interactivity and entertainment to the cinema, the home and to the person, adding new distribution channels and revenue opportunities globally?

We consider the commercial environment and open the debate about the likely outcomes. The first private broadcasts of stereo 3D have already created major interest and brought new value to the television experience. 3D mobile devices are also emerging and may be specially relevant to younger viewers. Finally, we consider the performance gaps to deliver the ultimate 3D experience with faster frame rates and sharper images - perhaps another beneficiary of the digital dividend?

18:15 - 20.00 hrs
Monday Night Movie: Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D


 Eric Brevig, Director, USA

Courtesy of Warner Bros. International, Walden Media and New Line Cinema, Journey to the Center of the Earth is the first live-action, narrative motion picture to be shot in digital 3D that puts a modern-day twist on Jules Verne’s original novel.

It is the big screen directorial debut of Academy Award-winning visual effects veteran Eric Brevig. Eric will be joining us to introduce the movie and lead a question and answer session after the screening together with Steve Kaminsky Post Production Supervisor and Richard Welsh from Dolby - who are supplying the 3D presentation system.

During a scientific mission in Iceland unconventional, visionary scientist Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser), his nephew Sean (Josh Hutcherson) and their beautiful local guide Hannah (Anita Briem) make a breakthrough discovery that launches them on a thrilling adventure into the unknown. They are suddenly trapped in a cave and their only escape is to go deeper and deeper into the depths of the Earth.

Travelling through the never-to-be-seen worlds, the trio are faced with surreal and unimaginable creatures including man-eating plants and terrifying dinosaurs. As volcanic activity around them begins to erupt, the three travellers must find a way back to the earth’s surface before it is too late.

Journey to the Center of the Earth is an epic adventure with spectacular photo-real environments and revolutionary new filmmaking techniques. It takes its audience directly into the heart of our heroes’ adventure, bringing them along for an unprecedented, wild and visceral ride.


[1Von Howard lag bis zum 13.09.2008 keine CV / Bio / Résumè vor. Wir zitieren daher stattdessen aus der Website der NAB 2007 in der folgendes über ihn nachzulesen ist:
Howard Lukk is presently Vice President of Production Technology at The Walt Disney Studios. There he is responsible for helping to incorporate new technologies into the workflow of the studio. Prior to that, he was Director of Technology for DCI where he was responsible for researching and documenting Digital Cinema Specifications, and Chief Engineer at IVC in Burbank, CA. He has also worked as a freelance engineer in the past on HDTV productions such as Woodstock 25th Anniversary and Major League Baseball. Howard has been an active member of SMPTE since 1995 and is presently Chairman of the DC28, Digital Cinema Distribution Working Group.
Ausserdem eine persoenliche Empfehlung zum Animations-Thema: Die Seite: http://inklingstudio.typepad.com/ch... WS.

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