"AI-enhanced Design Thinking"

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 22. August 2024 um 12 Uhr 14 Minuten


Dear Wolf Siegert

Join us this Thusday August 22nd at 10 AM CEST / 9 AM GMT for the next free online GDTA Spotlight "AI-enhanced Design Thinking" with Samuel Tschepe.

In this session, we’ll explore how AI, when thoughtfully integrated into Design Thinking, can significantly enhance human creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Join us to learn about the synergy between AI and Design Thinking and let us discuss how this might elevate innovation work to a new level. Samuel has published a white paper on the topic, that you can also find here!

📅 Date: August 22nd 🕘 Time: 10 AM CEST / 9AM GMT on zoom

Let’s connect, learn, and innovate together!
Join the Spotlight

P.S. join our Annual GDTA Conference on August 12-14 2024 @HPI Potsdam on the Topic "AI and Design Thinking: A Global Dialogue on Future Skills"

About our speaker:

Samuel has been working with Design Thinking at HPI in different roles since 2012. He has over 365 days of DT coaching experience from diverse international contexts. Additionally, he draws from his experience in improvisation theatre, sports, and music to inspire his work. While excited about human interaction and learning, he’s been experimenting with AI tools for a while now to explore how this will help teams overcome some of the many limitations when doing innovation work.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please feel free to spread the word about the event!

We look forward to an insightful discussion and to virtually meeting you on August 22nd, 2024! If you have any questions, please contact info@gdta.org.

Best wishes,

Global Design Thinking Alliance and Hasso Plattner Institute

The whole session was recorded and will be available soon.

Here are some quick live-blogging-notes to provide an overview:

Intro [Uli Weinberg]
From the impro-theatre via the certification program up to the interplay of IA.

Speaker [Samuel Tschepe]
 AI speeds up project progression of prototype development:
 opens up the scope of diversity
 better strategic decision-making
 human empathy has to be maintained
 learning and designing is not only rational

Tools are less important, but what they have to do
 analysing large amount of data
 Prompting: Role. Context, Task, Output format
 Analysing Online Data
 Create Synthetic Users / personas (including their voices)
 Text to Images and Videos
 Text to Wireframes
 from lo-res to high-res (with krea.ai )
 Communication & Branding (with canva.com )
 Real-time Interaction with IA clones and avatars (with High Gen)

The speaker would like to learn French with AI. Then he said:
 Be aware of data transparency
 Too much technology might hamper the team spirit.

Q’n A:
 Simulating use
 Philosophical challenges

Here are some own questions and answers as a spontaneous follow-up [Wolf Siegert]:

- AI as a tool or a partner?
 Will the PC-/Mobile-screen replace the sticky notes on the wall?
 Will AI be good to explore a topic in preparing a session or as a team member in the session?
 Today prompting in a key issue, but tomorrow?
 Tomorrow, what kind of interface will enhance or replace the human counterpart?

 Tomorrow, we will need moderators in-between the AI-output and the human input-needs
 Tomorrow these people will become as important as the journalists were up to now
 Tomorrow the limits are less in the technology but in our own mindsets
 Tomorrow, so-called soft skills and practical performance have to re-unite

 Today we do not have to wait for tomorrow, we can design it - and make decisions!

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