CES 2024 Show-Stoppers & -Start)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Dienstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 10. Januar 2024 um 18h31minzum Post-Scriptum


Hier die ShowStoppers-Einladung ins Bellagio Las Vegas, January 9, 2024 | 6 PM:

Hier wird deutlich, warum es in der nächsten grösseren eigenen Publikation nicht um "Trends", sondern mit der Frage nach der nächsten grossen Herausforderung n a c h der Digitalisieung um einen Paradigmenwechsel geht.

In der Folge ist von der nächsten grossen Herausforderung in Folge der Digitalisierung die Rede, ja, sie wird zum Schwerpunkt-Thema dieser Messe erklärt.

Hier der ARD-tagesschau-Bericht KI-Tsunami auf der CES-Messe in Las Vegas von Sarah Schmidt, ARD Washington vom 9. Januar 2024 12:00 Uhr:

Schon am Vortag war KI Gegenstand des Marketing-Panels:

 CMO Insights: AI Driving Digital Transformation in Marketing
How companies are using AI to adapt their social media marketing strategies.

Auch an diesem Tag nimmt das Thema einen grossen Raum ein:

 Great Minds, Bold Visions: What’s Next for AI?

The future is here, powered by AI. But what’s real, and what’s next?

 Technology and AI Building a Sustainable, Secure, Superior Future, presented by HS4A

Global strategists discuss the unique impact technology and AI have in addressing our biggest challenges and enabling a superior future.

 Human by Design, presented by Accenture

Join Accenture’s annual Tech Vision to understand the power of AI to reinvent business and unleash human potential.

Die These lautet, dass die Technology "human like by design" sein wird. 4 Trends: Education and Experimentation in 2023 in 2024 wird all das im Geschäft umgesetzt. Es gehe um einen "value gap", einen "readiness gap", einen "responsability gap".
Was passiert, wenn ’agents’ beginnen, miteinander zu ’arbeiten’?

Hier als snapshot ein Auszug auf einem Gespräch mit Fei-Fei Li, die auch schon auf dem zuvor zitierten Panel zu erleben war:

Um einen Einblick in das gesamte Spektrum der Show zu haben, empfiehlt sich ein Blick in die erste Ausgabe der CES DAILY vom 9. Januar 2024 [1] Daraus besonders herauszuheben ist das Gespräch von CAROLYN POSNER mit GARY SHAPIRO aus Anlass des Einhundertjährigen der CTA auf Seite 16

Reflecting on a Century of Innovation:
A Q&A with Gary Shapiro on CTA’s 100th Anniversary. [2]

We sat down with Gary Shapiro, CTA’s President and
CEO, to hear his thoughts on CTA’s 100th anniversary
and the lasting impact the association has had on
the evolution of the tech industry.

Q: Tell us about the history and evolution of the
Consumer Technology Association.

A: We started as the Radio Manufacturers Association in 1924, which did research, set standards, and sought pro-radio policies. Then a new emerging technology – television – had us do the same, and we changed our name to the Radio and Television Manufacturers Association. We went through several more names and configurations, most recently rebranding from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) to the Consumer Technology Association, reflecting the powerful role of technology that reflects the increasingly common understanding that every company could be a tech company. One thing has stayed consistent: our focus on advocating for technology and the entrepreneurs and innovators who make our world better – and tech’s innovative entrepreneurs and companies.

Q: What role does CTA play in advancing technology

A: As an association, we wear many hats. CTA advocates for pro-innovation policies at the federal and state levels. That includes working with policymakers to help them understand industry perspectives in areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital health, privacy, self-driving technologies, and trade. We also have a standards program that works with stakeholders across industry and government to create the blueprints
behind many of our favorite tech products and features, from closed captioning to HDTV signals, and to wearable sleep trackers and heart rate monitors. As just one example, our team worked for nearly a decade to achieve the authorization of over-the-counter hearing aids, now available to consumers across the United States. Of course, CTA is best known for producing CES, the world’s most powerful tech trade show. I believe there’s nowhere on earth more exciting than the CES exhibit halls for four days each January. CES offers opportunities for global companies to make big announcements, startups to show their innovations and get their big break, and – perhaps most important – the opportunity for many thousands of attendees to experience the serendipity of experiencing new technologies for the first time.

Q: You’ve said that “technology still has the power
to unite and to give.” What does that mean, and
how do you see technology contributing to a better

A: Our world faces big and growing challenges, and I think technology has the potential to address, and even solve, many of them. In transportation, we’re heading toward more sustainable, lower-emission vehicles, as well as self-driving cars that offer opportunities for people with mobility challenges. In education, you’ll see a future where everything is customized for individuals and their pace of learning. As the spouse of a doctor, I can already see the start of huge changes in healthcare, with electronic records and more personalized treatments. ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI will help automate repetitive tasks and dive deep into data to produce new insights that support scientific discoveries.Or take drones, taking on difficult or dangerous jobs like bridge inspection, explosives removal, or military operations. In agriculture, companies like John Deere, Kubota, and Caterpillar are producing equipment that integrates AI and machine learning to minimize environmental impact. Augmented and virtual reality will create more and more lifelike and immersive experiences, which aren’t just good for entertainment; they’re good for training and education. All of these advances, and many more, are on display at CES.

Mehr dazu auf der CTA-Seite: https://www.cta.tech/Who-We-Are/100-Year-Anniversary samt dieser bei BBC-StoryWorks in Auftrag gegebenen Produktion:

Aber Achtung: nobody is perfect: Es werden zur Geschichte insgesamt 5 Kapitel angezeigt.

aber keines von diesen, auch das, das auf die Zukunft zu sprechen kommt, kann abgerufen werden:


Auszug aus einem Anschreiben vom Sa 06.01.2024 00:13

Hello Wolf,

We’re giving away free Earbuds at CES if you review our new products online. Supplies are limited so schedule a time to drop by our booth now.

Next week, we’re unveiling three extraordinary tech products crafted especially for kids.

For a sneak peek see: https://www.visitingfromspace.com/myfirst

Und hier die Antwort vom So 07.01.2024 18:20

Thanks, but
  first you cannot catch me with any kind of gadgets
  second I will join the show this year virtually–only:
Best from Berlin!




[2Ein langer Weg von der RMA, dann RTMA, dann RETMA, dann EIA, dann CEMA, dann CEA - dem Start der CES in New York am 25. Juni 1967 - bis zur CTA - WS.

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