Complicité: The Encounter Online. Only NOW

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Samstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 29. Mai 2020 um 23h08minzum Post-Scriptum


Nicht verpassen: Kopfhörer aufsetzen, zuhören, zusehen - und staunen.

The revival of 3D Audio.

10.400 Abonnenten

Please wear headphones to watch. Available from 15 May until 25 May 2020, 10pm (bst).


We are supporting a fundraising campaign by our friends in the Kuikuro community in the Amazon to help them protect themselves from the pandemic. If you enjoy the show, please make a donation. Watch the film by Takumã Kuikuro, Covid-19 Brazil: An Amazonian perspective to hear about the challenges they face.

The Encounter
Inspired by the book Amazon Beaming by Petru Popescu
Directed and Performed Simon McBurney
Co-Director Kirsty Housley
Associate Director Jemima James
Design Michael Levine
Sound Gareth Fry with Pete Malkin
Lighting Paul Anderson
Projection Will Duke

A Complicité co-production with the Barbican, Edinburgh International Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre – Athens, Schaubühne Berlin, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne and Warwick Arts Centre.

The Encounter online is supported by The Space, is free to watch.

“We are, as a consequence of this pandemic, bodily cut off from one another. Disconnected. Isolated. But perhaps this sense of our separation one from another, is simply a heightening of what we felt before this all began. We are thinking now, not only about how long this will last, but also what happens on the other side. To reconnect we need, perhaps, to learn to listen more closely. To each other. To our communities. To other cultures. To nature itself.

The Encounter is at its heart a story about ‘listening’, not ’hearing’ but listening; to other, older narratives which, at the deepest level, form who we are, and if we do, we can imagine how we can ’begin’ again.”
Simon McBurney, Complicité Artistic Director

The Encounter tells the story of National Geographic photographer Loren McIntyre who, in 1969, became lost in a remote part of the Brazilian rainforest while searching for the Mayoruna people. His encounter was to test his perception of the world, bringing the limits of human consciousness into startling focus.

Join Complicité’s mailing list for updates:

We are pleased to be partnering with the following organisations who are hosting this stream:
Aix en Provence Festival
Ann Arbour
Barbican Centre
Boundless Theatre
Bristol Old Vic
British Council
Chicago Shakespeare Theatre
The Curran Theatre, SF
ENSATT (École nationale supérieure des arts et techniques du théâtre), Lyon
Good Chance Theatre
Holland Festival
Home, Manchester
International Theatre Amsterdam (Toneelgroup)
Jackson’s Lane
MC93 - Scène Nationale de Seine Saint Denis à Bobigny
Mercury Theatre Colchester
Mousetrap Theatre Projects
The Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens
Peoples’ Palace Projects
Plymouth Theatre Royal
Pushkin Press
Schaubühne Berlin
Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo
St Ann’s Warehouse
Stratford East
Survival International
Theatre Alberta,
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
The Space Arts
The Wallis
Wayne McGregor Dance
Shoreditch Town Hall
Queens Theatre Hornchurch

Excerpts from
In the White Silence by John Luther Adams, from the sound recording In the White Silence. New World Records #80600-2 (p) & © 2003 Anthology of Recorded Music, Inc. Used by permission.
The Garden of Mirrors by Stephen Micus
Song for TKJD by David Darling
Symphony No. 4 "Los Angeles" by Arvo Pärt
Lamentation of Jeremiah by Thomas Tallis
Make It Rain by Tom Waits
Independence by Lukas Ligeti
Threnos- Den Opfern von Hiroshima by Krystof Penderecki
Happy Go Lively by Laurie Johnson
Habla Con Ella by Alberto Iglesias
Chen Pe’i Pe’i by Zorn & Troop
Flautus Kagutu - Auga imitoho 1 by A Dança Dos Sopros

For more info on making The Encounter:

Twitter: @Complicite
Instagram: @complicitetheatre


Kaum war dieser Linke geposted, kamen Reaktionen mit Hinweisen auf so viele weitere online einsehbare Aufführungen, Ereignisse und Events, dass es unmöglich ist, diese auch nur in einer best-of-Auswahl zu präsentieren.

Stattdessen hier, als pars pro toto, der Mitschnitt aus einem jener Privat-Theater, dessen wirtschaftlichen Situation Mangels zahlendem Publikum zunehmend prekär ist: das ShakespeareGlobe. Hier mit einer Macbeth-Aufführung - wie (un-)passend - im Regen:

Dazu als Hintergrund der von Britta Bürger anmoderierte Bericht von Friedbert Meurer in der Sendung "Fazit" am 23. Mai 2020 ab 23:46 Uhr im Deutschlandfunk Kultur:

"Nationales Kulturgut. Das Theater Shakespeare’s Globe in London in der Krise."

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