Design-Thinking @ bbw HM029 (V)

BY Dr. Wolf SiegertDATE Friday Last update: 22 March 2019 at 00:11zum Post-Scriptum


Day Five to Go

Today we will be back in room 627!

Everyone, who wants to be accepted for a successful participation, has to be present today and to deliver a presentation - as discussed as early as Day One and agreed upon on Day Two.

Here is a first draft of today’s schedule (if we can handle the prep-efforts early, we will start earlier):


Welcome for the participants
arranging all the technical settings, including sound- and screen- installation [1].


Evaluation online statements [2]:


Confirming the final program of the day [3], time-line-check and fixing the Saturday schedule [4].

Welcome to the guests (Bernd, may be Tien, & others)


 The YAR (Young Ambitious Rebels).... Branding Problem ans Objectives (Dee Abdullah & Guest) [5]


The importance of a brand is not just limited; it involves managing, protecting and rebuilding it every time. Brands need special attention to the features that express a brand, such as company logo and colours. Maintaining uniformity in these visual indicators is essential for creating a strong brand. And it’s more complex in today’s era, given that brand images now emerge in different ways, from TV to everyday social media. We know that brand at the end is a mirror image of the company, what assurance it gives to its customers, companies must comply with it to strengthen the brand’s identity. However, while speaking of brands we usually refer to its particular features like name or logo or symbol. But in brand management of YAR, we talk of the system as a whole, including the inbuilt features of products and services that are acknowledged by name and other authorized symbols. Today Marketers understand that there is a global need to homogenize products, packaging, and communication to attain a least-common-denominator positioning that would be successful across nations as the YAR brand communicates a borderless group of Market, that are within clustered environments.


 Public Transport – The influence of (no) Controls on Commuter Self-Concepts (Tibor) [6]


Billions of people worldwide use public transport to get from one point to the other. And although there are differences in the way public transport works in certain areas of the world, it usually has one thing in common: It´s not free.

In order to use the public transport services, people all over the world need to buy tickets. There are different ways that public transport operators go about the process of commuter-ticket-verification. This can be done either at the station through turnstiles or inside the means of transportation through a controller.

This paper is going to deal with the methods that are used to check commuters for valid tickets public transport. The comparison will be between the method of a turnstile versus a personal control by ticket inspectors, the arguments for either way of controlling and their influence on commuter self-concepts in Berlin.


 New Horizons for High School Graduates (Jenny) [7]


Feeling lost is an essential part of finishing school for a lot of graduates. Planning the own future and making the big decision which path to follow is probably one of the toughest tasks and the job life is often still a black box, graduates enter without a clear imagination of what to expect. But why is it such a tough one still, even though we are living in the age of information? What do young people miss and how can we make information regarding jobs and career not only technically but also emotionally accessible throughtout different social and economic backgrounds?


/ Report DESING THINKING on Plastic Pollution (Sharmin) [8]


With the rise of consumerism, production and usage of plastic has increased many folds over the past decades. Availability of technology and raw material means the plastic production is cheaper than ever before. This also resulted into widespread pollution of plastic because there are little or no value of the used plastic bottles and containers. Despite steps from government agencies from around the world and other regulatory measures, the plastic pollution is one of the most severe problems the world is facing right now. This was the sole reason why this critical problem has been addressed here.

In order to solve the problem, first it is necessary to understand why people are dumping plastic product instead of trying to recycle it. Is it only the cost? Or are there other reasons behind it? It can be safely presumed that although almost all of us are aware of plastic pollution, very few really know the real consequence it has on our mother earth. Sometimes, even after reading about the consequences, one cannot clearly imagine its enormous negative impact of plastics. Something more striking could be more would be more useful to leave a significant impact on the people. There are very few things such as a visual illustration that can captivate human feelings instantly. Putting the detrimental effects of plastic pollution in our environment can be very cost effective but effective. This will ensure that consumers are faced with the horror of plastic pollution every time they are buying anything that contains plastic. This will, hopefully, trigger a sense of responsibility to recycle the plastic products and also to reduce the usage of plastic. It is, by no means, get rid of the problem for good but it will surely alleviate the current scenario by encouraging people to recycle more and look for alternatives for plastic products.

12:30 - 13:30 Break

 The Dreamhouse-Challenge (Gizem) [9]


As part of the final presentation of the module "Innovation development: Design thinking and Idea development" the design thinking process will conducted in form of a challenge with the study group HM029. The basis for this will not be the process defined by the Hasso-Plattner-Institute or Stanford University, but the process, which were actively developed by the study group during the first lecture.

The presentation will be similar to the famous "Wallet Challenge". However the design object will not be a wallet, but the dream house of the students or parts of their dream house. As the presenter, I will take the guiding position by asking questions that are coordinated to the process and ensuring that the processing time is met. The goal-oriented questions are worked out in advance in order to play through the scenario by myself first and then to determine a suitable processing time, as well as the need for required tools.

At the end the main results of the process and my own results of the „Dreamhouse Challenge“ will be presented.


 Dowry system (Sukhveer) [10] [11]


In this working paper I would like to elaborate about dowry system. This is a social evil in India and nearby countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. The topic of Dowry system is one of the contributing factors toward social problems that effects women and girls in India and other nearby countries where dowry is still prevalent.
This is based on my research from and around people that I know who are from India.

If you are not familiar with the concept of dowry, it is basically a gift of some kind (money, property, gold, etc) given to bridegroom or his family during marriage. It is also a system that is deeply rooted into the culture. But legally speaking, dowry is illegal in India. But unfortunately, it is still a common practice in most places in India. Families who are wealthy enough, it is not a problem. But however, families with low income or under the poverty line, dowry is a huge problem

Dowry can put great financial burden on low income families. Often times, instead of being a gift, it more of a demand from bridegroom’s family. So the bride’s family needs to come up with the financial backing to meet the demand from the bridegroom’s side. I have heard stories of parents selling their home or taking out massive loans against their homes to marry off their daughter. You can also imagine other problems that can arise from a system like this. Just to name a few, sex-selective abortions, negligence toward daughters, abuse, etc. These are all problems that directly or indirectly effect safety of women and girls.

So I try to relate this social problem with design thinking and I believe that there is need of some solutions. I would try to make some solutions about it in this project.


 The What-to-Keep-Memorial (Steven) [12]


Berlin is a prominent ’young’ city and the heart of Germany. This reason attracts not only many tourists but also many scholars and professionals to come and live in Berlin. Statistic report in 2016 reveals that more than 10 million foreign nations living in Berlin make this city dynamic and has high demand room to live.

It is not strange anymore to know that a person can move from one room to another room more than two times in a year. This movement requires a person typically to sort and select their stuff from what they need and do not need even from what is allow or not allow on their new home. By the end of sorting and selecting, a person knows that they always have a choice to give up on their stuff that they will not need anymore. Easy they can throw it away, sell it on eBay or give it for free.

However, what if the item which a person does not need any more cannot be disposed of because it has a particular value or it is like a gift from a friend or relative, or antiques or even inherited goods?

This paper will explain why this is happening and give solutions based on the facts on the survey.


 Finding a suitable long-term housing in Berlin (Özge) [13]


 Rebranding of retail-chains for specific user groups - Penny as an example for an Image Shift (Viktoria Luise) [14]


The consumer market has changed in Germany in the past 10 years. Especially the discount stores has implemented an image shift to stay contemporary. Whereas in the past consumer were low-budget focused, the trend shows nowadays that the quality of products have more value and the stores are not only salesrooms anymore, they are now places of well-being. As a result, the discount stores began to follow the trend and changed their product range, the design of their brand and the interior decoration according to the new requirements. They attached importance to offer products, that comply to the latest nutrition trends, like veganism or low-carb diets, but also to be transparent relating to the food’s production and provenance.

The discount stores are confronted with another problem recently. The adaption to the new requirements are resulting in the phenoma that the images of the brands conform to each other. To stand out from the crowd, they have to develop further their unique selling point. This ongoing challenge will be analyzed from the point of view of penny, which is, on the one hand one of the most influential companies in this business, but on the other hand it has the least market shares.


 How to foment the visit of the dead chicken alley as a touristic place for foreigners in the city of Berlin? (Maria Camilla / Oliver / Huseyin Can) [15]:


In our visit to the area of Hackescher Markt we got to see different places that conforms this area, like restaurants, designer stores and bars that are aiming to a target of upper class consumers and tourists that are coming from all over the world.

Between all these glamorous stores and restaurants located is the Dead Chicken Alley, a place that from the moment a person walks in, the difference of aesthetic and expression of culture can be appreciated. The artwork that has been done on the walls of the alley way is the product of many people, some artists and some not, over decades all contributed to this collective artwork that extends from the walls of its entrance to interiors of the buildings and venues in it. In our visit, we got to see the venues that are located there, but we realized that most of the people that were eating or drinking were locals and not tourists. In our online investigation we could see that when a person searches for plans to do in Berlin, the Dead Chicken Alley doesn’t appear on the list. The Hackescher Höfe, which is the building right next to the alley, appears almost at the end of the list.

We think that the dead chicken alley should have the same importance as the other touristic places that surround it and that the people (both tourists and locals) should know about the origins and actual meaning of this vividly expressive place, since the artwork and the political statements it makes very much define what Berlin stands for, history, diversity and peace. So that is why we want to base our project on the problem of: How to promote Dead Chicken Alley to touristic visitors and foreigner Berlin residents?

For the process of design thinking, the empathizing part is already done with our visit and inspection of the location. We will continue to follow the steps of defining what we want to do, which is to multiply and expand the touristic visits to the area and ideating a way to solve our problem. The main idea is to have options of solutions to our problem and bring it to the class to make a team work and test our ideas with the audience.


Evaluating the presentations and papers there was a nice simularity in between these two pictures taken in Remshalden and today at the bbw-Hochschule in Berlin:


[1Check carefully, the new screen installed is a 4K iiyama-Screen which is not easy to adopt to standard HDMI- or VGA-based Video-Signals.


Handreichung Fragebogen Kurs-Evaluation

[3it turned out that the online access from the compter-base installed was so slow that is was not possible make any online changes whilst we were diskussion the new schedule. We therefore finally agreed to fix the schedule on simple "who-wants-to-be-next"-terms.

[4Final arrangements for this final day will be decided after the presentation-series, the proposal is: Opening the door at 1O am and starting at 11 am.

[5YAR Branding problem Paper and YAR branding Problem and Objektives.PPT received by Mail on Mo 18.03.2019 21:05

[6Working Paper received by mail: Mo 18.03.2019 14:35

[72nd. Mail with Presentation and Working Paper received: Di 19.03.2019 18:51

[8Mails received, incl. Report: Di 19.03.2019 01:09 and incl. Presentation Di 19.03.2019 23:42

[9Dream House Challenge Presentation & Written Part received via Mail: So 17.03.2019 17:13

[10In the preparation of this presentation she had two projects in mind, this is the record of the second idea:
 Religious Symbols (Sukhveer)


In this project I would like to explain about religious symbols. In the world has so many religion and its symbols but it is not possible to know about all religions. I think that many times when we see any religious symbol we are thinking about that religion. For instance, looking at cross symbol that is related to Christine religion we think about Jesus, Ik onkar is related to Sikhism and Om is related to Hinduism . So, there are so many religion and so many symbols but the important fact is significance of those symbols.

I would like to elaborate the significance behind the religious symbols in this project and try to find the common fact by comparing significance of religious symbols and also try to mention religious issues which create the huge problems in the world like terrorism , wars, discrimination etc.

I believe that by doing search on religious symbols I can get more knowledge about another religion and also find some solution of religious issues.

[11Dowry system.DOC & PPT received on Fr 15.03.2019 02:13

[12Presentation-Paper received as print right after the presentation on site.

[131st.Mail received without any documents Di 19.03.2019 21:31; 2nd Mail incl. script revieded: Do 21.03.2019 21:35

[14Penny’s image shift.PDF received: So 17.03.2019 22:52

[15Mail with a Link zu the presentation received Do 21.03.2019 13:48; paper by HCU received Do 21.03.2019 21:07

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