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Wolf - Join Us in Hollywood for the Annual Honors & Awards Ceremony and in Once-in-a-Hundred-Years Gala!
We are pleased to announce the outstanding individuals who will be recognized with 2016 Honors & Awards as part of the weeklong SMPTE 2016 Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (SMPTE 2016) in Hollywood, California.
This year, the SMPTE Honors & Awards Ceremony will take place on Monday, 24 October, following the SMPTE 2016 Symposium, and it will feature a red carpet and poolside reception. In addition, Honorary Membership and the Progress Medal will be conferred at the SMPTE Centennial Gala on Friday, 28 October. Both events will take place in the Ray Dolby Ballroom at the Hollywood and Highland Center.
The Centennial Gala will celebrate SMPTE’s past, present, and future in a compelling program while honoring individuals with the following accolades:
Honorary Membership is the Society’s highest accolade. SMPTE will confer Honorary Membership upon James Cameron for his determination to continuously improve cinematic storytelling through innovative technical methods. In an era in which digital techniques are expanding the creative palette for filmmakers, Cameron is widely regarded as one of the most forward-thinking writers, producers, and directors in successfully applying emerging technology methods.
The Progress Medal is the most prestigious SMPTE award, and it recognizes outstanding technical contributions to the progress of engineering phases of the motion picture, television, or motion-imaging industries. SMPTE is presenting the 2016 Progress Medal to Douglas Trumbull in recognition of his numerous contributions to photographic processes and technologies in VFX and HFR cinematography.
The following will be presented on Monday, 24 October
at the SMPTE 2016 Honors & Awards Ceremony:The Archival Technology Medal Award recognizes significant technical advancements or contributions related to the invention or development of technology, techniques, workflows, or infrastructure for the long-term storage, archive, or preservation of media content essence. The 2016 award will be presented to Daniel Teruggi.
The Camera Origination and Imaging Medal Award recognizes significant technical achievements related to invention or advances in imaging technology, including sensors, imaging processing electronics, and the overall embodiment and application of image capture devices.
R. Norman Hurst will receive the 2016 award.The David Sarnoff Medal Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the development of new techniques or equipment that have improved the engineering phases of television technology, including large-venue presentations. The 2016 award will be presented to Peter G. M. Centen.
The Digital Processing Medal Award recognizes significant technical achievements related to the development of digital processing of content for cinema, television, games, or other related media. Paul Kellar will receive the 2016 award.
The Excellence in Educational Medal Award, SMPTE’s newest award, honors outstanding contributions to new or unique educational programs that teach the technologies of motion pictures, television, or other imaging sciences, including emerging media technology. Michael F. Korpi will be the first recipient of this award.
The Samuel L. Warner Memorial Medal Award recognizes outstanding contributions in the design and development of new and improved methods and/or apparatus for motion picture sound, at any step in the process. The 2016 award will be presented to Neil A. Shaw.
The Technicolor/Herbert T. Kalmus Medal Award recognizes outstanding contributions that reflect a commitment to the highest standards of quality and innovation in motion picture postproduction and distribution services. The 2016 award will be presented to Dr. Johannes Steurer.
The Workflow Systems Medal Award recognizes outstanding contributions related to the development and integration of information technology (IT) file-based systems and infrastructures into production processes. The 2016 award will be presented to Thomas G. Edwards.
Each year, one SMPTE Journal Award is presented to the author of the most outstanding paper originally published in the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal during the preceding calendar year. Edwards will also receive this 2016 award for the article “Source-Timed SDN Video Switching of Packetized Video,” published in the May/June issue of the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Volume 124, Issue 4.
Two Journal Certificates of Merit will be presented to:
Charles Poynton, Jeroen H. Stessen, and Rutger Nijland for the article “Deploying Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range in HD and UHD,” published in the April issue of the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Volume 124, Issue 3.
Fumiaki Usui, Ryuhei Kamata, and Laurence Thorpe for the article “Lens Considerations for Digital Cinematography,” published in the January/February issue of the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Volume 124, Issue 1.
The Presidential Proclamation Award recognizes individuals of established and outstanding status and reputation in the motion picture, television, and motion-imaging industries worldwide. Peter D. Symes will receive the award for his longtime dedication to the Society and his years of service to the broadcasting industry.
The Excellence in Standards Award recognizes individuals or companies that have been actively involved in advancing the Society’s standards activities and processes. David J. Bancroft will receive this award in recognition of his 40-year involvement in SMPTE standards.
The Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society, which recognizes individuals for dedicated service for the betterment of the Society over a sustained period, will be conferred upon five SMPTE Members:
Martin P. Feldman for more than three decades of service to the New England Section, including 16 years as manager and Section chair. In that time, he has produced more than 100 Section meetings and workshops, establishing the Section as the premier technical information resource for the New England motion-imaging community.
Mark L. Forman for his contributions to the New York Section for more than a decade as manager, meeting producer, and photographer. The dozens of meetings he has produced on image acquisition and display have been highlights of the Section’s calendar.
Keith Ian Graham for his instrumental work in revitalizing the San Francisco Section as an active branch of the Society. Graham has served as Section chair since 2010 when he re-established the production of Section meetings, incorporating streaming to reach a wider audience and providing increased value to the membership.
Mona Smothers for nearly a decade of leadership and unwavering commitment to the Sacramento Section, where she has served as manager, secretary/treasurer, and chair. Her tenacity, drive, and enthusiasm have established the Section’s strength and have set the precedent for its positive future.
Eric Wenocur for his decade-long service as manager and program chair of the Washington, D.C. Section. Under his leadership, the Section has consistently provided high-value programs to its Members. [...]
Dennoch wird eine persönliche Teilnahme nicht möglich sein. Leider. Dabei gab es vor einiger Zeit sogar das Ansinnen, den Autor mit in das steering-committee dieser Veranstaltung zu berufen. Ein Angebot, das dann aber nicht angenommen wurde, da sich die Organisation nicht einmal in der Lage sah, die Reisekosten in die USA zu übernehmen... ( IRIS® ist eben dann doch nicht ARRI® :-)
HIER, auf dieser Seite, ist nochmals die Liste all der hier genannten Personen zu finden.
Das Programm dieser SMPTE Honors & Awards Ceremony lautet:

5:30pm: Red Carpet and Dinner Reception
7:00pm: Honors & Awards Ceremony
8:30pm: Afterparty on the Pool Deck with drinks, desserts, and dancing!
Eine Live-Übertragung von dieser Veranstaltung wird nicht angeboten, nicht auf smpteconnect und nicht auf Facebook.
Aber für Dienstag, den 25. Oktober 2016, wird ein Live-Streaming vom Annual General Membership Meeting angekündigt.