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Die chinesische Agentur XINHUA greift das Thema sehr intensiv auf, und widmet eine ganze Seite den Reaktionen der ausländischen Presse mit Bezug auf dieses Ereignis. [2]
BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) — The inaugural World Media Summit began in Beijing on Friday with a speech from Chinese President Hu Jintao that drew praise from many foreign media members.
Tom Curley, president and chief executive of The Associated Press, said that he was delighted to hear some 15 months after the Beijing Olympics that the progress of China opening up to the world would continue.
Curley said that Hu’s speech seemed quite sincere and that the president’s appearance at the summit "was an important gesture as well."
The AP also said that news coverage of China has expanded dramatically in recent years amid rising global interest in its economic boom and Beijing’s larger role in global affairs.
The news agency also paid close attention to China’s pledge to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign news organizations and reporters.
Foreign media coverage had played an "important role" in telling the world about the changes in China, Hu was quoted by the AP as saying. The Chinese president also called on media organizations to promote peace.
South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency said Hu elaborated on China’s media policies in his speech and pledged that the Chinese government would safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign news media and continue to facilitate foreign media coverage of China in accordance with the law.
South Korea’s JoongAng Daily reported that a three-day "media Olympics" Opened in Beijing, China.
The newspaper said that the summit puts a heavy emphasis on the coexistence, competition, dependency and convergence of the traditional media and new media.
"It is also noteworthy that China is pursuing ambitious media reconstruction strategies by planning and hosting such a large-scale event," the newspaper said.
Japan’s Kyodo said that representatives from about 170 media organizations worldwide began two days of talks Friday in Beijing. The talks, Kyodo said, focused on the potential for cooperation and competition between new and traditional media in an era of globalization with growing use of digital and multimedia technology.
The Jiji News Agency of Japan said Chinese media are tapping into the world market by providing multi-language services and going multimedia. It said Xinhua is expanding its business by launching a TV news service and developing online and mobile phone services.
Am Tag danach wird dann Rupert Murdoch mit dem Satz zitiert: "World Media Summit a great success", nachdem er sich zuvor ausführlich mit dem Organisator der Tagung, dem XINHUA-Chef Li Congjun hatte besprechen können.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit findet aus hiesiger Sicht der Start des "Young Journalist Training Programs", das erstmals in diesem Jahr aufgelegt und am 11. Oktober in den Räumen der Xinhua News Agency begonnen wurde.
Dazu auf der hier benannten Website:
"A training program for young journalists, organized by the World Media Summit (WMS) secretariat members, opened in Beijing Monday.
Eleven Asian and African journalists with media organizations such as Kenya News Agency, Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation, and Berita National Malaysia will participate in the five-day training program.
Senior professionals from Xinhua News Agency, Reuters, AP, Itar-Tass, BBC, CNN, News Corporation, and Al Jazeera — members of the WMS secretariat — will give lectures.
Zhou Zongmin, secretary-general of the WMS secretariat, briefed the audience on the functions of the secretariat and Xinhua’s progress on its strategic transformation to provide the world with muiltimedia services.
Itar-Tass’s Beijing Bureau chief Andrey Kirillov described the program as necessary and timely.
Many journalists told Xinhua it was their first trip to China and first experience of such training program.
The program would provide journalists from developing nations a better understanding of China’s progress since its opening to the outside world in 1979, and a platform for future exchanges.
The courses would focus mainly on changes facing news reporters in the new media era, digital news, and objectivity in news reporting.
The journalists would also have the chance to gain a closer look at the the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts in Sichuan Province and visit the Binhai New Area in the coastal city of Tianjin.
About 300 representatives of 170 worldwide media organizations attended the WMS in Beijing in October last year.
The summit was intended to promote transparency and accountability in governments and public institutions, and facilitate mutual understanding among peoples of different countries and regions. The training program was one of the summit’s accomplishments."