Blog for fame - or shame?

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Donnerstag Letzte Bearbeitung: 11. Oktober 2013 um 16h57min


Zur Vorbereitung des Start der HuffPost in Deutschland gab es Überlegungen, Anfragen, Diskussion, ob "DaybyDay ISSN 1860-2967" Bestandteil dieser neuen Distributionsplattform werden solle - oder nicht.

Am Sonntag, den 23. Juni wurde zu diesem Thema die AMAZON-Seite
The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging [Paperback]
aufgerufen und von dieser Seite wird nachfolgend zitiert:

Book Description

The editors of The Huffington Post—the most linked-to blog on the web—offer an A-Z guide to all things blog, with information for everyone from the tech-challenged newbie looking to get a handle on this new way of communicating to the experienced blogger looking to break through the clutter of the Internet. With an introduction by Arianna Huffington, the site’s cofounder and editor in chief, this book is everything you want to know about blogging, but didn’t know who to ask.

As entertaining as it is informative, The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging will show you what to do to get your blog started. You’ll find tools to help you build your blog, strategies to create your community, tips on finding your voice, and entertaining anecdotes from HuffPost bloggers that will make you wonder what took you so long to blog in the first place.

The Guide also includes choice selections from HuffPost’s wide-ranging mix of top-notch bloggers. Among those who have blogged on HuffPost are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Larry David, Jane Smiley, Bill Maher, Nora Ephron, Jon Robin Baitz, Steve Martin, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ari Emanuel, Mia Farrow, Al Franken, Gary Hart, Barbara Ehrenreich, Edward Kennedy, Harry Shearer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam McKay, John Ridley, and Alec Baldwin.

A Message from Arianna Huffington

Dear Amazon customer,

I’m thrilled to be working with as an online bookseller and partner for the publication of our new book, The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging. Amazon understands how to use the Internet to harness intelligence that enables people to make informed decisions. That mission is similar to that of The Huffington Post, a news and opinion site I co-founded in May 2005, and which has grown to become the most linked-to blog in the world. Bringing people together and sparking interesting conversations among my friends is ingrained in my DNA, and the world of blogging has opened up this passion to endless possibilities. It’s fast-paced, limitless, and best of all, there’s room for everyone. That’s why I’m so excited about our Complete Guide to Blogging—if you have ever tried to start your own blog, wondered if you could, or if you’re just an insatiable blog-addict, this book is for you. Our team of editors and contributors has put together all the tools you’ll need to build your blog, strategies to create your community, ideas for finding your blogger voice, and countless, hilarious anecdotes and stories.

What are you waiting for? Start blogging!


Questions for Arianna Huffington There are over 100 million blogs in the world, and counting. Does the world need another one? Is it too late to start one that will have any sort of impact?

Huffington: There is always room for another blog – the key is having something to say, and the ability to say it in an interesting way. That combination will allow you to break through in almost any medium, but especially in blogging. New bloggers are rising to the top all the time. When you meet someone and tell them, "You should blog!" (which it’s my understanding happens quite often), what is it about them that makes you think they’d be a good blogger, especially in the long term? Are there some writers you wouldn’t say that to?

Huffington: I invite people who have an interesting point of view, a provocative way of looking at the world. And the best bloggers tend to be a little obsessed about something. When I see those things, I get excited about offering a platform to express them. One of the original reasons for starting HuffPost was my feeling that some of the most interesting voices in our culture weren’t online—and I wanted to make it easier for them to make the transition. Has the Huffington Post turned out the way you planned? What surprises did you adapt to take advantage of?

Huffington: We had our hopes, but no one could have predicted that HuffPost would become such a huge success. One of the things that surprised us was the passion expressed by our community, so we worked hard to provide them an easy way to comment, and an environment where civil discourse is encouraged. As many people have noted, the Obama campaign was the first to really harness the power of the web for fundraising and organizing. Do you think running in the first heavily blogged election also made his victory more possible?

Huffington: Obama’s online operation was state of the art—incorporating everything from viral videos to texting-as-a-grassroots-organzing-tool to social networking sites to its online fundraising juggernaut—and was a key component in his success. It wouldn’t be overstating things to say that if it wasn’t for the web, we’d be inaugurating a different 44th president on January 20th. And thanks to blogging—and YouTube, instant fact-checks, and viral emails—it was much harder for his opponents to use the tactics of the past: fear, smear, and anything goes. You and your editors have written a book about blogging (while noting the irony of doing so). There’s a lot of talk about the relationship between blogs and newspapers, but less so about how blogs will live with books. Aside from the obvious examples of bloggers getting book deals, how do you think blogs and books will affect each other?

Huffington: Anything that keeps people reading is a good thing! And blogging has certainly led to a renaissance of sorts for the written word. We live in a culture dominated by visual imagery and communication, so having so much vital writing on the web has helped re-habituate the younger generation to reading ... and hopefully blogs will be a gateway drug that leads them on to the harder stuff of books. And people blogging about books is obviously a great way to promote the best of the new releases (and some deserving older releases that never got the attention they warranted).

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

"Comprehensive guide to blogging" December 7, 2008
By Chicago Book Addict

As someone who has long been a blog reader and commenter and more recently, blogging on a small scale, I was naturally very interested in this book and whether it would live up to its name as a "complete guide to blogging." While like most books it is not 100% perfect it does come close and gives some great information. It is a great mix of practical advice as well as commentary from Huffington Post bloggers and other bloggers from around the web.

The book starts by giving the history of blogging and then in Chapter 2 goes into the basics of getting started. This chapter reads like a FAQ section giving the reader advice on everything from figuring out what to write about to mentioning the variety of software available to blogging to the issue of copyright.

Chapter 3 is all about getting your blog noticed which will be especially appreciated by those who have already started blogging but who may want more traffic. The tips are very practical and from my own experiences actually work. It also gives tips on monetizing your blog but is realistic about the fact that a blog isn’t an instant ticket to riches.
Chapter 4, my personal favorite, is about finding your voice. Given how many blogs are already out on the internet I think for many new bloggers this chapter is helpful as it asks you to consider both what you will feel most passionate about and what you think your potential reader would want out of your blog.

Chapter 5 takes the notion of getting your blog noticed one step further by talking about how you can foster a community through your blog.

Chapter 6 is the history (albeit a brief one) of the Huffington Post and Chapter 7 talks about the impact of the blogosphere on mainstream media. These were honestly my two least favorite chapters as they were less practical in nature and particularly in the case of chapter 7, I have seem similar content covered in other books. (I work in communications so the impact of bloggers on mainstream media is something that is constantly up for discussion.) However, I imagine that if I were a bigger Huffington Post fan I probably would have enjoyed chearing more about the history. I imagine the same would be true for Chapter 7 if I had not already read so much about this.

The last section of the book features the blog roll, more blogging terms, website resource list, and also a ’best of’ Huffington Blog posts.
Overall I think this was a pretty solid book and provided a good balance of giving tips, providing blogger commentary, and giving a lay of the land. I think the blogger quotes were especially interesting because it was intriguing to see their takes on things. I also loved when the book contrasted how a mainstream newspaper covered a particular even with how they thought a blogger would cover it. It did a good job of highlighting the difference in tone.

The only thing that I disliked about the book at times was the heavy use of sidebars. On one hand, I liked it because this content was interesting and calling it out as a sidebar made it easy to reference. At other times I found it distracted me from the main text because the side bars sometimes took up the majority of a page. I often had to flip back and reread content to remind myself of where I was which broke the my flow. In my opinion, this is only a minor complaint. I also think the book had a lot of perspectives of writers/actors/reporters turned bloggers and could have benefited from having more tips from more ’citizens turned bloggers’ as they say. This isn’t to say they don’t have any, because they do, but given that I think many of those who read this book will fall into that camp I think having more can only be helpful.

Overall, I think this was a great book. I definitely walked away with ideas of how I could make my blog more successful and enjoyed reading some of the ’best of’ content.

"Very disappointing" April 28, 2009
By Scott
I don’t know what I was expecting when I saw this book, but what I got certainly wasn’t it. First of all, the book is extremely short, much shorter than it looks. That’s because the text barely fills up the page. This is very common with these types of books, especially the "Dummy’s Guide To" books, because they usually fill up the margins with tips or additional information on the articles. This book very rarely does that, so it’s just wasted space. You can go 15 pages without seeing anything in the margins but wasted space. The real problem with it however, is that there is very little instructional information. If you want a biography on the web site "The Huffington Post," come here, because that’s pretty much all it is. And advice from people like Jamie Lee Curtis and Steven Weber? When I think of great bloggers, I don’t think of Steven Weber. He doesn’t even have his own site. Do you know why these people are included? Because they all have written articles for "The Huffington Post." More advertising.

Sure, if you love The Huffington Post, or if you are friends with Arianna or Mike Drudge and they are planning to let you write articles on their sites, which already get huge amounts of traffic, you "may" find this book useful. For the other 99% of you, I suggest looking elsewhere, like Blogging For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)). Sure it is geared to a tech crowd, but the information in it is much more general and has actually useful topics, like "How to Build Your Audience."

Zum Beginn der Woche, in der die Huffpost-Germany gestartet werden sollte, folgendes Mail-Zitat als Beitrag des berliner Herausgebers dieser Publikation an die deutschen Herausgeber in München, als Motto und Ermutigung für den 10.10 10:10 Uhr und die Zeit danach:

Und hier nochmals der Link-Vermerk auf die deutsche Ausgabe, die unter der URL erreichbar ist: Dies für den Fall, dass sich diese Adresse noch nicht ausreichend herumgesprochen haben sollte. [1]

In der Ausgabe des ersten Tages ist dann die folgende Begrüssung - auf deutsch - zu lesen:

"Liebe Grüße aus München: Die HuffPost kommt nach Deutschland

Arianna Huffington

Die Huffington Post Deutschland startet in einer Phase der Veränderung und des Aufbruchs in der deutschen Medienlandschaft. Bloggen ist hier noch relativ wenig verbreitet. Das bedeutet riesige Chancen auf Wachstum für die HuffPost. Einen medialen Hybriden: Kombination aus journalistischem Kanal, der vergangenes Jahr mit dem Pulitzer Preis für seine investigative Berichterstattung ausgezeichnet wurde und einer starken Blogger-Plattform."

Die Kommentare zu dieser Begrüssung gibt es HIER zu lesen.

Und da finden sich gleich von Anfang an allerlei Merkmals und Hierarchien mit denen die LeserBriefSchreiberInnen dis-qualifiziert werden: vom NoName-Autor mit 0 Fans über den (oder die) HuffPost-Blogger bis zum HuffPost-Superuser mit einer vielhundertfachen Fan-Schar.

Die Distribution wird über die folgenden weiteren Kanäle angeboten:
Facebook | Blogger | Twitter | Wordpress | Typepad | Tumblr

Mal sehen, wie lange diese ersten Beiträge vorgehalten sein werden. Denn hier gibt es ja wohl keine Siebentage-Regel - oder?


Schon gesehen: HuffPost und Bild [2] machen beide mit dem gleichen Thema auf: den Ausgaben von Bischof Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst für "seine" neue Bleibe... - die Ausgabe vom 10. Oktober 2013, die mit diesem Titel gross aufgemacht hat, ist aber schon nach einem Tag nicht mehr zu finden.

Schon gesucht: die fehlende Kachel im Themenspektrum: "Kultur & Medien"

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[1Nachdem auch auf der Pressekonferenz des heutigen Tages noch nicht allen Beteiligten diese wirklich bekannt war, der Vorschlag, einfach nur auf zu verweisen: Klappt auch und ist cool.


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