Im Rückblick auf den 4. Juli 2013, wird hier das Protokoll eines "dialogue de sourdes" wiedergegeben, der am 14. Juni 2013 von Berlin aus mit der URL: [1]
geführt wurde.
Um jegliche mögliche Strafverfolgung auszuschliessen, wird die Pop-Up-Seite nicht gezeigt, sondern lediglich die erste Zeile zitiert, die da lautet:
Leben & Arbeiten in den USA - Nehmen Sie an der offiziellen US Green Card Lotterie teil!
Dann wird man aufgefordert, seine persönlichen Daten auf der Seite einzugeben.
Geschieht dieses nicht, poppt dieses Fenster samt "JULIA online" auf:

Danach kommt es zu dem folgenden hier protokollierten Dialog:
Julia says:
Hi, I am Julia, an immigration expert with USAGC. I would like to help you apply for the Green Card Lottery.
Julia says:
To begin the process, please provide your email address below.
Julia says:
To begin, please type your email in the field below.
User says:
Hi, Who are your?
Julia says:
Julia says:
Can you please enter your email information, so we can register you for the Green Card Lottery?
User says:
No, first I want to know who you are.
Julia says:
The information you provide here is 100% secure and will only be used for the purposes of your application for the Green Card Lottery!
Julia says:
Oh.. Ok
Julia says:
I’m Julia for USAGC, and you are?
Julia says:
Please enter your email details below and we will start the registration process for the Green Card Lottery.
User says:
My name is Wolf. And I want some info about your organisation.
Julia says:
Details received, thank you!
Julia says:
Could you please enter your email address below? This will help you in the registration for the American Green Card Lottery.
Julia says:
Thanks for the invite, but I don’t think I’ll come with you this time.
Julia says:
Please type your email below so we can register you for the US Green Card Lottery.
Julia says:
Are you there? Is there anything wrong ?
User says:
No. But my question has not been answered yet.
Julia says:
It is completely safe. Please enter your email address so we can register you for the Green Card Lottery!
Julia says:
Providing us with your email address will make sure our experts can advise you in every step of the way.
Julia says:
If you enter your email address below, we can start the registration process for the Green Card Lottery.
Julia says:
You online?
User says:
Julia says:
oh... Ok
Julia says:
If you enter your email address below, we can start the registration process for the Green Card Lottery.
User says:
This is not an appropriate answer.
Julia says:
Haha, yeah I guess it’s just hard to explain sometimes.
Julia says:
If you enter your email address below, we can start the registration process for the Green Card Lottery.
User says:
Hi Julia, it was an interesting encounter with a computer. Good Bye !
Julia says:
I know, right?
Julia says:
Julia says:
Julia says:
Julia says:
If you enter your email address below, we can start the registration process for the Green Card Lottery.
Julia says:
You there?
Julia says:
You there?
Julia says:
[Chat ended]