Am Donnerstag, den 30. Mai 2013, trifft um 18:34 Uhr eine Mail mit einem Anhang in der Grösse von insgesamt 219 KB mit dem Vermerk "Dringend" ein.
Der Name des Absender:
Alicia Rutledge
Der Text in der Betreffzeile:
They killed your privacy man your photo is all over facebook! NAKED!
Nein, wir können unseren Leserinnen und Lesern nicht mitteilen, was sich hinter dieser Überschrift verbirgt. Geschweige denn, was in dem Anhang zu finden sein könnte.
Das kann man an anderer Stelle schon finden,
zum Beispiel auf der Seite:
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Diese Nachricht wird als "Junk-E-Mail" spezifiziert und der Absender gesperrt - wohlwissend, dass dieses eine notwendige, aber nicht notwendiger Weise eine ausreichende Massnahme ist, um damit solche Zusendungen für die Folgezeit ausgeschlossen zu haben.
Dennoch ist diese "Kleinigkeit" eine Nachricht wert. Denn sie sind nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs, den zu schrammen durchaus im Gefahrenbereich des Möglichen liegt.
Denn da gibt es noch viel geschicktere Methoden. Eine davon sei hier als pars pro toto vorgestellt.
So wird der Admin einer neu eingetragenen URL mit "Werbung" dieser Art belästigt:
From: M.A.
Dear [Vorname],
How are you? I am Mark Andrews, a web application developer from Clearwater, Florida. I’m writing to ask whether would you be interested in developing as a fully-featured website? I am asking because I see that you have just registered the domain and assume you might already have a fruitful concept to it. If you have any ideas, please let me know and I can help you with the design/development. Let me put your mind at ease - I almost always charge only when a project or phase is completed, and will also give you detailed status reports of what to expect when, and this way, you are not taking a risk and fully protected. Further, I specialize in budget development by reusing existing code, and I have explained it in detail in the bottom of this email.
I have attached a select portfolio for your reference here; please have a look
The above portfolio page includes
— Simple to feature rich designs that cover a wide range of development work
— Comments are included with some designs to help you better understand the development solutions provided
Please also notice that I already have a sizable collection of pre-written code that covers almost anything, such as small business sites, flash game sites, news sites, trade portal sites and more, and I can email you the relevant samples once you explain me the intended concept of the domain.
Code reuse is one of my specializations, and 9 out of 10 times I can find at least some code that will not need to be entirely re-written. This strategy enables me to quote very attractive prices, in some cases, unbelievably low prices. For example, while a typical video site goes for around 00, I can do the same for about . Have a look at the following video sites as an example case study.
It is just an example but is a powerful site and it runs handsfree, meaning no maintenance needed. It will autoadd hot news and up-to-date holiday offers from YouTube every hour, and I developed it within a budget of just , and I could do it purely because of the use of code reuse strategies.
Further, if you are just wondering what to do with the domain, I can give you some valuable input. There are many people who just own the domain and wish to make a small monthly income from it, but do not know how. We have a service specifically for that, in which we develop a full site in it with 1st page ranking in Google, which will nearly guarantee a stable monthly income, which could be small, but note "stable", and it will eventually addup.
Please let me know your intentions, so we could carry this discussion forward. I am also happy to assist with any other concerns you might have in related fields such as ranking in Google, social media, mobile site marketing and such, since I specialize in many fields closely related to web design.
I await your reply regarding your domain name. What are your plans for it? You can call me to discuss this further or just leave me your best time and number so that I can call you up for a discussion. Or, you can simply reply to this email since it would provide a much better interface to discuss web design, speaking from experience.
Thank You and Regards,
M. A.
Senior Web Application Developer
[Adresse und Telefon#]
Werbung, so heisst es, sei das Öl der Ökonomie.
Was aber, wenn ein Kunde "angebohrt" wird, dieser weder seinen Standort noch seine Plattform bereit ist, dafür zur Verfügung zu stellen?
Seitdem fast alle Upgrades der grossen Browser-Engines mit neuen Features ausgerüstet sind, die - angeblich - einen geschützten Zugang ins Netz gewährleisten, eine Möglichkeit also, mit seinem Surfverhalten nicht zurückverfolgt und identifiziert werden zu können, wird klar, wie massiv diese Art der "Werbung" inzwischen das eigentliche Nutzerinteresse im Netz bedroht.
Und wer daran glaubt, dass mit diesen Neuerungen die Kuh vom Eis und die eigene Identität wieder vor jeglicher Entschleierung geschützt werde... sei hiermit seelig gesprochen.