Wer sich bereit erklärt, an der CES-Umfrage teilzunehmen muss wissen, dass damit auch der Rechner, von dem diese Umfrage aus beantwortet wird, voll gescannt wird.
So ist es nicht mehr möglich, die einmal aufgefundene URL
ein zweites Mal ab Start zu aktivieren oder die bereits beantworteten Fragen nochmals neu aufrufen zu können.
Daher dokumentieren wir hier nur jene Fragen, die hier noch zugänglich waren:
– Thinking about the cost to attend the International CES and everything that you gain from attending, how would you rate the overall value of the event to your business?
– Thinking about next year’s International CES, which will be held in Las Vegas, Tuesday, January 7 - Friday, January 10, 2014, how likely or unlikely...?
– Consider the following statements about the International CES. How much do you agree or disagree with each statement?
— CES cares deeply about its exhibitors and attendees and strives to provide the highest level of satisfaction possible
— CES is an environmentally friendly tradeshow
— CES is a strategic industry event as it relates to the creation and distribution of content throughout all platforms
— CES reflects the energy and excitement of the consumer electronics industry
— CES is the most important event to attend for companies involved in the consumer electronics industry
We’d now like to ask you some questions about conference programming at the International CES which includes Keynote Addresses, SuperSessions and Conference Tracks.
– Which of the following Keynote Addresses, if any, did you attend while at the International CES?
Gary Shapiro, CEA
Dr. Stephen Woo, Samsung Electronics
Lowell McAdam, Verizon
Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, Qualcomm
The Next Generation of Innovators Keynote
Kazuhiro Tsuga, Panasonic Corp.
Brand Matters Keynote
Other, please specify:
Did not attend any Keynote Addresses
– Which of the following SuperSessions, if any, did you attend while at the International CES?
Disruptive Technologies Impacting the Future of Games and Video
Digital Health Revolution: Body, Mind and Soul
The Brand Matters SuperSession: How Are Your Consumers REALLY Engaging with Digital Media?
Mega Trends and Mobile First World
TV Connect at CES
One-on-one with FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski
Argue the Future 2: Return of the Future
CNET’s Next Big Thing: The Post-Mobile Future - Mapping the Next Frontier of Consumer Electronics
The New Network Effect Changes Everything
Other, please specify:
– Which of the following Conference Tracks, if any, did you attend while at the 2013 International CES?
Fitness Tech Variety’s Entertainment Summit: TV & Technology
HigherEdTECH Innovation Policy Summit
Silvers Summit In-Vehicle Technology
IEEE: International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Content in the Cloud
Broadband Unlimited Lifestyle Technologies
Kids@Play and MommyTech Cable Conference at CES
Digital Hollywood Tweet House Presents: Innovations in Social Business
MEMS and the Consumer Connection CES Government 2013
Smart Homes & Digital Consumers: Sponsored by J.D. Power and Associates Games Summit at CES
Digital Health Summit MacTech Insight: Your Expert Peek Inside the Apple Market
Developer University at CES The International Academy of Web Television Presents: The Digital Entertainment Transformation
THX Certified Home Theater Professional Level 1 3D’s 20/20 Vision
PMA@CES Conference Sessions Storage Visions® 2013
Emerging Technology Connect2Car: Optimizing the Connected Driver Experience
Content and Disruptive Technologies Home Entertainment
Variety’s Entertainment Summit: Film & Technology CONNECTIONS Summit
Smartphones and Tablets Conference Business Insights
Wireless Communications 2nd Screen Summit at CES
Just the Facts: Research, Reports and Revelation Other, please specify:
CEA Research Summit at International CES
– Was this your first time attending the Conference Tracks at the International CES?
Please indicate, which of the following if any, is the PRIMARY reason you decided to attend a CES Conference Track(s) this year?
Again, please remember Conference Tracks include tracks such as Digital Health Summit or 3D’s 20/20 Vision and not SuperSessions and Keynotes.
Presenters or panels
Other, please specify:
– What top three topics would you like to see included in the 2014 International CES conference program?
– Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with each of the following elements of the Conference Tracks?
– Suppose a colleague or co-worker asked you about the Conference Track(s) that you attended. Overall, how likely or unlikely are you to recommend the Conference Track(s) to your colleague or co-worker?
– How likely or unlikely are you to attend the Conference Track(s) at next year’s International CES?
– How do the conference programs at CES compare to other conferences you’ve attended?
– Based on your experience at other conferences, what suggestions or feedback, if any, do you have for the producers of the CES conferences?
– Which, if any, of the following were reasons for not purchasing any of the CES Conference passes, including the All Access Pass, the Entertainment Matters Pass or the CE Pass?
– Please rate your satisfaction with the following logistical aspects related to the CES Conference.
– How useful were each of the following sources of information for your conference planning? If you did not use the source, please indicate this.
– If CEA, the producers of the International CES, were to offer a virtual conference pass for the 2014 International CES which would allow you to view conference programming from the show as scheduled or streamed on-demand, how interested, if at all, would you be in purchasing a virtual conference pass?
– Several conference sessions videos are available online, free of charge. Did you view any of these videos?
– Based on the videos you viewed, how likely are you to do the following?
– If you pre-registered for free tracks or sessions, did you attend all you registered for?
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Thank you for your time and feedback. All of your answers have been recorded. [1]
For further inquiries, comments, or additional feedback about today’s survey, please contact surveys@CE.org.
Thank you,
The International CES Research Team