Die erste Mail des neuen Tages...

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 31. Oktober 2012 um 11 Uhr 39 Minuten


... des Reformationstages; sie kommt aus New York und lautet wie folgt:

We are making do without electricity water and subways. Buses just started running a short while ago.
We were not flooded but a few blocks away was hit with a meter of water and on the river the flood reached 3 meters in height over a full moon high tide.
The wind blew done a number of trees and a building facade collapsed a block away.
It is not 911 but is a wake up call to heed the consequences of rising seas.
My office is shut down until power is restored.
Take care and be well.

Sent from my iPad

Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts _Mark Forman, NY. NY.