Keine Berichterstattung (VIII)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 19. Januar 2015 um 16h43min


Der Autor hat sich am Mittwoch, den 9. Mai 2012, gegenüber der NIV Unit der Consular Section der U.S. Embassy Berlin erklärt und schriftlich verpflichtet, weder heute noch im weiteren Verlauf dieser Woche aus den USA zu berichten.


Daher an dieser Stelle als Zitat die Mail vom Freitag, den 18.05.2012 22:25 von

Globalocity Wrap Up

Dear Dr. Wolf Siegert,

Thank you for attending Globalocity! We hope you enjoyed your time in Los Angeles – from your education sessions and the keynote speakers to the sights and sounds of iLuminate, the magic of Marco Temptest – and the lunch trucks! And as you head home, we hope you are taking with you new insights into the commerce trends that are shaping our industry as well as new ideas for not only dealing with the disruption in the market, but more importantly, using it to your advantage.

Access to Globalocity Session Presentations
Look for information on how to access all the conference session presentations online coming soon.

Save the Date!
We look forward to continuing our Globalocity conversation and hope to see you for our next conference, which will be held September 19-20, 2012, in Vienna, Austria at the Hofburg Royal Palace. Stay tuned for information.

Latest Digital River News
When you get back to the office, we hope you will take a few minutes to read about some of the new products we announced in conjunction with Globalocity.

Digital River’s CEO Joel Ronning introducedDigital River Connect, during his keynote speech. It’s a new portal that will give your developers easy access to our API’s and your business the ability to connect and disconnect third-party applications to our technology stack.

You can also read about some of our newly enhanced cloud-based subscription services – a solution that is becoming even more important as you look for ways to monetize new product-as-a service offerings.

Thank you!
Again, thank you for your participation in our event! We want Globalocity to become a place where you – and commerce professionals from around the world – can come to gather industry information and learn about the commerce tools you need to grow your careers as much as your businesses.

We wish you safe travels back home and look forward to seeing you in Vienna!

Your Digital River Globalocity Team

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