München, Mailand, Paris, ...

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 16. Januar 2015 um 14h25min


..., nein: der Name des Siegers um das Ringen nach dem zukünftigen Standort der GSMA [1] lautet:

Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved

Unter der Referenzzeile "Barcelona Wins" wird am 22. Juli 2011 berichtet

After an 18-month search, the GSMA today announced that Barcelona has been selected as the Mobile World Capital from 2012 to 2018. As the Mobile World Capital, Barcelona will be the home of the mobile industry’s must-attend event, the GSMA Mobile World Congress, and will also develop a range of other programmes and activities that will span the entire year and will benefit not only the citizens of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain, but also the worldwide mobile industry.


Heute, am 27. Juli ab 11.30 Uhr werden auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz auf der Fira de Barcelona Montjuic stattfinden [3], beteiligt sein:

John Hoffman, CEO of GSMA Ltd.
Artur Mas, President of Catalonia
Xavier Trias, Mayor of Barcelona
Juan Junquera, Secretary of State for ICT, Spain
Josep Lluís Bonet, President of the Fira de Barcelona
Joan Gaspart, President of the Barcelona Tourism Bureau

Es wäre interessant herauszufinden, ob es möglich sein wird, neben dem Bewerbungsvideo des Siegers
auch die Präsentationen der andern Finalists nochmals zu Gesicht zu bekommen: von München zum Beispiel - oder auch von Mailand [4] oder Paris [5] ....

Schliesslich hatten sich ja München-Fans wie Stefan Constantinescu von Intomobile.com dazu hinreissen lassen mit Texten aufzumachen wie
Mobile World Congress will not take place in Barcelona after 2012 [6].


[1The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Spanning 219 countries, the GSMA unites nearly 800 of the world’s mobile operators, as well as more than 200 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset makers, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies, and media and entertainment organisations. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as the Mobile World Congress and Mobile Asia Congress.

[2"We are thrilled to announce that Barcelona will be the Mobile World Capital for the next seven years," said John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA Ltd. "All of the cities who competed for this title presented extremely innovative and compelling bids, but in the end, Barcelona truly demonstrated that it deserves the title of the Mobile World Capital, with its combination of outstanding exhibition and conference facilities, its transportation and hospitality infrastructure, its commitment to expanding the reach of mobility throughout Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain, and the strong support of the public and private sectors. This is an exciting time for Barcelona and for the mobile industry as a whole."

"Becoming the Mobile World Capital was a strategic bid for Barcelona, and consolidates our leadership as a benchmark city for new technologies," said Xavier Trias, Mayor of Barcelona. "This will give a significant boost to the image of our city brand associated with a sector, that of mobile communications, which will experience strong growth in the next few years. Barcelona is reaping the rewards of the serious, professional work of different institutions with the involvement of many of the city’s companies and entities. Now, Barcelona will be the center of a new model of international event linked to economic growth, industrial development and the creation of new jobs vital to the future of our economy."

[3During the press conference, the executives will elaborate on the shared vision of Mobile World Capital – Barcelona and provide greater detail on the programmes and activities that Barcelona will be undertaking in the Mobile World Capital.

[4Letizia Moratti, Bürgermeister von Milan: "Milano is honoured and proud of having been selected among the finalists for Mobile World Capital 2013-2017 [...] “Both long-standing residents and newcomers in this truly multi-ethnic and global city stand ready to contribute with their enthusiasm to make the Mobile World Capital not only a must-attend event, but a continuous five-year long flow of learning and networking opportunities, inspiration and innovation – a common dream which we all share with the worldwide international mobile community.

[5Bertrand Delanoë, Bürgermeister von Paris:
Paris is very proud to be considered as a host for the new Mobile World Capital by the GSMA [...] With the help of our lively ICT and mobile community, we are committed to expanding the magic of our city to the fantastic future of the mobile world.”

[6"Mobile World Congress will no longer take place in Barcelona after 2012. That’s right. After being hosted in Barcelona since 2006, the event is finally moving location."

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