The Digital Revolution Licence

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 24. Februar 2010 um 15h15min


Unter dem Titel THE VIRTUAL REVOLUTION hat BBC TWO eine eigne Lizenz kreiert, die es dem Nutzer erlaubt, Programme und Materialien aus dem Umfeld dieser Sendung legal aus dem Netz herunterzuladen und für bestimmte eigene nichtkommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. [1]

Diese Nutzung beinhaltet nicht nur das wieder-sehen dieses Programms, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, aus diesem Fundus Quellen zu schöpfen, um ein eigenes Programm zu machen.

Unter der Titel: "Make your own documetary" [2] wird ein ganzes Bündel an Angeboten - von Blogbeiträgen über Interviews bis zu Programmthemen - zu insgesamt vier Sende-Blöcken angeboten:

Programme 1: The great levelling?

The wonder and walls of Wikipedia; the blogger media revolution; the price of peer-to-peer piracy... who really has power on the web? Is it the online crowd or the ’gatekeepers’? Is the web a platform for sharing or is it inequality writ large?

Programme 2: Enemy of the state?

Is the web indestructable or can censorship, cybercrime or infrastructure attack bring it down? As the web trancends the barriers of the physical world the orthodox view is that the nation state will inevitably wither as the porous web of hyperlinks conquers the globe. But some states are fighting back.

Programme 3: The cost of free

Free services, limitless information, endless opportunities for the user... the web seems to defy all the laws of economics. But are we trading our privacy for a ’free’ web?

Programme 4: Homo Interneticus?

Are we empowered, connected and enlightened with the world’s knowledge at our fingertips? Or distracted and addicted with shorter attention spans> Are our skittering brains bombarded and stupified by the ’yuck and wow’ of the web? Is the web really changing us - the way we think, the way we behave, the way relate to each other? And is it for better or for worse?

Während hier in Deutschland über die Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten solcher Themen und solchen Tuns oft nur diskutiert wird, werden in anderen Ländern Fakten geschaffen, sodann zusammengetragen, in Wort, Ton und Bild dokumentiert und arrangiert - um sodann sowohl als Sendung als auch für die eigene Beschäftigung mit diesem Thema freizugeben.

Uns Europäern "on the continent" wird im Vereinigten Königreich unter dem Label der BBC thematisch wie praktisch vorgeführt, was sich in den 20 Jahren seit der "Erfindung" des world-wide-webs, seit "HTML" und "Mosaik" und "Napster", in unserem Leben verändert hat - und wie wir heute in unserem eigenen Arbeits-Leben auf diese Veränderungen re-agieren können.

Der ursprünglich an dieser Stelle geschriebene Satz: "Wie gut nur, dass dieses Material nicht schon sieben Tage nach der Erstausstrahlung des Programms wieder aus den Netz genommen werden muss..." kann allerdings so nicht stehenbleiben.

Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved

 der BBC iPlayer kann war auch ausserhalb der UK heruntergeladen, aber nur auf der Insel bzw. über eine dort generierte IP-Adresse zum Einsatz gebracht werden.

 alle vier hier zitierten Programme sind auch nur einen beschränkten Zeitraum einsehbar [3]

Aber, die BBC wäre nicht die BBC, würde man uns nicht eine Alternative anbieten:

Es gelten die Regeln des Urheberrechts all rights reserved

 den 3D Documentary Explorer

 die Web-Site der Open University

 den BBC iPlayer für Radio-Programme, in dem die Folgen Zug um Zug ab dem 22. Februar angeboten werden unter der URL:


In der ersten Folge geht es darum, wie "das Web" entstanden ist, wie es heute neue Formen der Nutzung - und des Missbrauchs - ermöglicht. Und welche Zukunft es hat.

Exemplarisch dafür sind die beiden folgenden Zitate:

Arianna Huffington ("a revolutionary interesting lady or a new model of a gatekeeper in these modern times"?)

I’m a huge optimist about the web. [...] I see that we are moving towards a hybrid future where we combine the best of traditional media - accuracy, fairness - and the best of new media - transparency, immediacy, accountability. The hybrid future that I’m envisaging clines to indlude millions of voices but is not going to eliminate editors. Editors will be more important than ever.

Aus aktuellem Anlass hier eine Link-Liste zu einer Reihe von englischsprachigen Blog-Beiträgen, die im Rahmen dieser Serie das Thema "Piracy" nochmals zusammengestellt worden waren:

The Pirate’s Dilemma | Matt Mason | 10:40 UK time, Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Piracy - what’s your line? | Aleks Krotoski | 09:50 UK time, Monday, 27 July 2009

It’s a question of creator’s choice | Feargal Sharkey | 11:43 UK time, Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Pros and Cons of Free | Jon Webster | 12:33 UK time, Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Als besonderes "goodie" sei an dieser Stelle der ungeschnittene Mitschnitt des Interviews mit Steve Wozniak "You have to pay for what you use" anempfohlen. Er geht zurück bis auf den ersten Konflikt zwischen dem Homebrew Computer Club und dem jungen Bill Gates, der sich in einem Brief über das Kopieren "seines" Programms durch die junger Nutzergemeinde beschwerte. [4]


[1This BBC Digital Revolution Licence enables You to use and distribute Works in the ways and on the terms set out in this Licence. Use of the Work by You will be treated as acceptance of this Licence.

All capitalised terms are defined in Clause 1 below. The singular includes the plural and vice versa, unless the context otherwise requires. This Licence is between:

The ‘Licensor’ (the entity offering the Work under the terms and conditions of this Licence)


’You’ (a private individual or member of an authorised educational establishment or authorised charity)

agree as follows:

1. Definitions

“Authorised Charity” means for the purposes of this Licence a charity as defined under the Charities Act 2006 for England and Wales, the Charities and Trust Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 for Scotland or the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 for Northern Ireland or equivalent national legislation as appropriate;

“Authorised Educational Establishments” means for the purposes of this Licence those bodies set out under s174 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (which includes schools, universities, higher education colleges and colleges of further education) or equivalent national legislation as appropriate; museums accredited by the Museum, Libraries and Archives Council or funded/sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport or members of the International Council of Museums;

“BBC” means the British Broadcasting Corporation;

“BBC Application” means any BBC branded player, widget or other application in which the Work is displayed;

"Credit/Crediting" (Attribution) means acknowledging the BBC and Licensors of any Works and/or Derivative Work that You Share;

"Derivative Work" means any work created by the editing, adaptation or translation of the Work in any media or any work made up of a number of separate works in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form;

"Licence" means this BBC Digital Revolution Licence;

"Logo" means any BBC and/or Digital Revolution logo attached to or incorporated in the Work;

"No-Endorsement" means that You must not use the Work and/or Derivative Work in any way that would suggest or imply the BBC’s and the Licensor’s support, association or approval;

"Non-Commercial" means personal use or use for educational purposes within any United Kingdom Educational Establishment and/or United Kingdom Charity, but excludes any commercial use (including professional, fundraising, political or promotional uses);

"Original Author" means the BBC and the individual (or entity) who created any Derivative Work and who should both always be Credited.

"Share" means to communicate or make available to other members of the public by publishing, distributing, performing or other means of dissemination;

"Share-Alike" means Sharing the Work and/or Derivative Work under the same terms and conditions as granted to You under this Licence;

"Work" means the work protected by copyright which is offered under the terms of this Licence;

2. Grant of Licence

2.1 The Licensor hereby grants to You a Non-Commercial, No-Endorsement, payment-free, non-exclusive licence for the duration of copyright in the Work to copy and/or Share the Work and/or create, copy and/or Share Derivative Works on any platform in any media.

2.2 The BBC hereby grants You a Non-Commercial, No-Endorsement, payment-free, non-exclusive licence to embed and display on your website the BBC Application and the Work provided by and served by the BBC for the duration that the BBC at its discretion makes the BBC Application available.

2.3 HOWEVER the licence granted in Clause 2.1 and, where applicable, in Clause 2.2, is provided to You only if You:

2.3.1. make reference to this Licence (by URL/URI, spoken word or as appropriate to the media used) on all copies of the Work and/or Derivative Works Shared by You and keep intact all notices that refer to this Licence;

2.3.2. share the Work and/or any Derivative Work only under the terms of this Licence (i.e.Share-Alike);

2.3.3 do not impose any terms and/or any digital rights management technology on the Work and/or Derivative Work that alter or restrict the terms of this Licence or any rights granted under it;

2.3.4. credit (attribute) the Original Author and the Licensor(s) in a manner appropriate to the media used and provide a link to the original Work as licensed by the BBC (by URL/URI, spoken word or as appropriate to the media used);

2.3.5. do not use the Work (which includes any underlying contributions to the work) and/or any Derivative Work for any illegal, derogatory or otherwise offensive purpose or through the use of the Work or any Derivative Work bring the Licensor’s (or underlying rights owners’) reputation into disrepute and do not use the Work, the Derivative Work and/or the Work as displayed in the BBC Application for any purpose or on any website which:

 is intended for or targeted at children who are under 13 years old;

 discriminates against any specific social group or otherwise exploits vulnerable sections of society;

 promotes, encourages or facilitates violence;

 promotes, encourages or facilitates illegal activity;

 promotes, encourages or facilitates terrorism or other activities which risk national security;

 might be perceived as damaging the BBC’s reputation for accuracy or impartiality;

 is not open access;

 promotes the tobacco industry or the armaments industry (including gun clubs etc);

 encourages hatred on grounds of race, religion, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation or promotes, encourages or facilitates anti-social behaviour;

 is aimed pre-dominantly at raising funds for a non-commercial organisation;

 otherwise brings the BBC into disrepute.

2.3.6 do not permit advertising to be displayed on the same page as the BBC Application or the Work or the Derivative Work where there is a connection between the advertising and the Work. If the BBC Application or the Work or the Derivative Work constitutes the majority of the page or where the page would not exist without the BBC Application or the Work or the Derivative Work, You shall ensure that no advertising is displayed on that page. You may not charge users to use the Work or Derivative Work or otherwise commercialise the Work or Derivative Work in any way.

2.3.7 keep this Licence intact and unaltered and including all notices, including any FAQs that refer to this Licence.

2.3.8 You accept and agree that the BBC has sole editorial control over the Work as displayed in the BBC Application and it may change or remove the Work as displayed in the BBC Application at its sole discretion.

2.3.9 You agree to use the BBC Application as supplied by the BBC and agree not to modify or reverse engineer it in any way.

2.3 Each time You Share the Work and/or Derivative Work, the Licensor offers to the recipient a Share-Alike licence to the Work provided the recipient complies with the terms of this Licence in respect of the Work and the Work as incorporated in the Derivative Work.

2.4 This Licence does not affect any rights that You may have under any applicable law, including fair dealing or any other exception to copyright infringement.

2.5 This Licence does not permit use by You of any BBC and/or Digital Revolution Logo unless already incorporated into the Work.

3. Warranties and Disclaimer

3.1 The Licensor warrants that the Licensor is either the Original Author or has secured all rights in the Work necessary to grant this Licence in respect of the Work to You

3.2 The BBC Application and the Work as displayed in the BBC Application are made available on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

3.3 The BBC has taken reasonable care to ensure that the BBC Application and any related software code contains no errors, viruses or defects, however the BBC does not warrant that this is the case. You use the BBC Application at Your own discretion and risk and You are advised to take all reasonable precautions to protect your computer from virus infection.

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4. Limit of Liability

4.1 Subject to any liability which may not be excluded or limited by law and/or any liability that You may incur to a third party resulting from a breach by the Licensor of its warranty in Clause 3.1 above, the Licensor shall not be liable and hereby expressly excludes any and all liability for loss or damage howsoever and whenever caused to You or by You.

5. Indemnity

5.1 In the event that a third party commences legal proceedings against the BBC as a result of Your use of the BBC Application other than in accordance with this Licence, You agree to indemnify the BBC in respect of all damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and litigation expenses, it suffers as a result of such action.

6. Termination

6.1 The rights granted to You under this Licence shall terminate automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this Licence. Individuals or entities who have received Derivative Works from You under this Licence, however, will not have their licences terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full compliance with these Licence terms.

7. General

7.1 If any provision of this Licence is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Licence

7.2 This Licence constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work and any Derivative Work licensed here. There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work or Derivative Work not specified here. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You.

7.3 Save as to the rights granted to the BBC as a third party under Clause 5.1 above, a person who is not a party to this Licence will have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its terms.

7.4 The BBC reserves the right to change the terms of this Licence at any time. Any changes that the BBC considers at its discretion significantly alter the terms of the Licence, shall be notified to You.

7.5 This Licence shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts .

[2Making a documentary has become easier with the help of The Virtual Revolution. We are providing unedited professionally filmed footage from the series, for you to use. This includes interviews, aerial shots, graphics and music.

[34/4 Homo Interneticus? Available since Saturday with 5 days left.

3/4 The Cost of Free Available since Sat, 13 Feb 2010 with 5 days left.

2/4 Enemy of the State? Available since Sat, 6 Feb 2010 with 5 days left.

1/4 The Great Levelling? Available since Sat, 30 Jan 2010 with 5 days left.

[4Steve: Sure our computer club got very interested in these up coming computers and then it became aware that there was a basic language a computer language that would run on these small low cost computers that you can build yourself and then you have to spend a lot of money to buy enough memory to run a programming language and to buy a teletype to type your stuff on yet you have to spend several times the cost of a car but then you could run Bill Gates and Paul Allen had written a basic came on a big paper tape reel and it, you read it in on a teletype machine it would get into the memory of the computer and then it could run programmes. You could type in a game out of a book of games written in the basic language, type in the game and play it on the computer. This was a whole, goal that probably every one of the 500 of us in the Home Brew Computer club was to get to the point that we could play games on our own computer. And Bill Gates became a little bit famous and well known for this software going around. well we had a con, one copy of the tape that our club library had bought, to purpose and one member of the club, the Dan ........ took that tape and borrowed it for two weeks and when he came back he brought back like four copies, he just copied the, he copied the paper tape at his company AMI and he brought them back and he said the new rule is anytime you take something from the club library you have to return at least that many copies. That’s kind of funny and we got a letter from Bill Gates all upset you know copyright you know you’re copying software and you shouldn’t. you know and I agree, I agree with that."

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