IFA 2009 (I)

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 3. September 2009 um 19h51min


Heute öffnet die IFA 2009 in Berlin ihre Tore für das Publikum.

Und eine starkes Thema: Boo-Keun Yoon, President & General
Manager der Visual Display Division von Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. wird heute ab 15 Uhr in der International Keynote Area in der Halle 7.1.a zum Thema sprechen:

Towards Digital Humanism;
Dreams Made Real - Statement of Motivation

Bislang ist folgendes "Abstract" bekannt:

Consumers continue to demand
more emotional and selfexpressive
experiences from
their technology products.
Samsung calls this phenomena
“Digital Humanism”. Future
technology products must
now reflect individual human
values, lifestyles and cultural
experiences. Samsung’s ongoing
efforts to realize the promise
of “Digital Humanism” is the
fundamental motivation behind
the company’s future product
plans. Samsung will introduce
its 2nd half 2009 products
at IFA which will highlight,
through an “e-Story”, the core
values of our upcoming product
portfolio: Essence, Engagement,
Expression, Experience, Eco.