Whats a TV?

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Januar 2015 um 22h46min


Heute wird Andrew McCormick mit seinem Beitrag "Microsoft: web to overtake TV in June 2010" aus dem revolutionmagazine.com vom 08 April 2009, 3:28pm zitiert:

The web and software giant said today that it expects June 2010 to be the month when the switchover will happen, as peope spend on average 14.2 hours a week online and 11.5 hours a week watching TV, on average throughout 2010.

Microsoft was keen to play down the decline of TV and instead pointed out that TV content will be watched on the internet and mobile, as well as on traditional TV boxes.

The company also predicted that the need to watch TV in real-time will end in the next five years as viewers build up an archive of content on their broadand-enabbled set top boxes.

Microsoft also found that online video is watched by more than one in four Europeans, signalling a strong future for online video.

The video findings are consistent with Microsoft’s plans to become the leading video portal in Europe by striking deals with broadcasters and filing a void where Project Kangaroo, the joint venture between British broadcasters, failed.

Und als Gegenpart David Brennan in seinem Kommentar vom 09 April 2009

From a research perspective, this is self-serving, misleading garbage. Microsoft should know better than to put their name to such spurious nonsense. They’ve done great work previously – not least when they collaborated with MTV to look at youth media consumption – but this is fantasy.

The figures are so misleading because the research is flawed – based as it is on the claimed behaviour of an online access panel. Inevitably the TV viewing vs. online use was going to be massively skewed to online because claimed behaviour consistently undervalues TV viewing \(as it is a passive, relaxed media behaviour – people rarely accurately guess how much TV they watch) and overplays online usage. It is also only based on the online population – so those who have zero or minimal internet use are excluded \(and they are likely to be higher than average TV viewers). And participants in access panels also tend to skew much heavier than average in terms of online behaviour. Any general conclusions or predications on the state of European media consumption are built on very thin ice.

Crucially, the TV viewing figures are wildly wrong for the UK. In the UK, BARB figures \(which measure actual TV viewing and are the currency for billions of advertising pounds) showed that 2008 was a record year for broadcast TV viewing. We watched an average of over 26 hours a week each, up on the year before and the year before that. The trend in the UK is that broadcast TV is growing \(despite or even because of online TV viewing). This is being replicated across most European countries. To suggest average broadcast viewing in Europe is half that of the UK is ridiculous.

Only the IPA’s Touchpoints offers a real monitor of comparable media usage patterns. Touchpoints shows that over 9 hours is spent using the internet every week. But 27.3 hours are spent with television, nearly three times as much. In terms of media time, TV accounts for 54%, print 6%, radio 27% and the internet just 13% of the average day. This has been replicated in several European countries, including France and Netherlands, with very similar results. These are based on strongly quality-controlled research, monitoring actual media behaviour in real time, and subject to the rigorous scrutiny of the whole media industry.

Now more than ever the media industry needs reliable research it can trust so it can make the right decisions. This is not it. Please ignore it.

Was wiederum die "dano" die schlichte Frage aufwerfen lässt: "whats a TV?"

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