No Shows: Paris / Berlin

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Mittwoch Letzte Bearbeitung: 15. Januar 2015 um 18h11min


Das bereits gestern angesprochene Non-Show-Thema setzt sich heute noch fort:

Über die Nicht-Teilnahme an der "transmediale" ist ja bereits am Tag zuvor berichtet worden [1] aber aus Gründen der Rücksichtnahme ist es derzeit nicht möglich, an dem heute in Paris beginnenden IDIFF - International Digital Film Forum teilnzunehmen.

Daher an diese Stelle zumindest das Programm dieser beiden Tage.

Hier zunächst die Veranstaltungen vom 30. Januar 2008:

9:30 - 10:30 AM: Camera test images

Danys Bruyère, TSF (FR), for the Panasonic Varicam, Sony F900R, Red, Nox and Panasonic HPX3000 // Fabien Pisano, Sony (FR), for the F23

11 AM - 1 PM: Shooting // Case Studies

Technical, artistic and financial decisions that lead to digital shooting will be detailed by the films’ crews.

Emmanuel Legrand, Producer, Epithète Films (FR) and Olivier Poujaud, SFX supervisor on La Jeune Fille et les Loups // Geoff Boyle, DoP, FBKS (UK) on The Mutant Chronicles shot on Viper, SI-2K, Phantom HD, Phantom 5.1 & Sony F23 and The Dark Country shot in 3D on 2 * Red and 4 * SI-2K // Norman Twain, Producer (US) on Scar 3D shot in 3D // ...

2:30 - 4 PM: Previsualizing the final image on the set

Round table with practitioners of previsualization to get an overview of current approaches to sketch, imagine, or even define the final cinematogaphic image on the set.

Moderator: Benjamin B - European correspondent, American Cinematographer // Alex Lamarque, Director of photography, AFC // Rip O’Neil, Director Research and Development, CST (French version of SMPTE) // Pierre-Hugues Galien, assistant camera // Tommaso Vergallo, Digimage Cinéma // Remy Chevrin, cinematographer and president of the AFC // ...

4:30 - 6 PM: Generating and delivering a digital copy

Following a brief technical introduction, three digital releases’ logistics and financial conditions (UK, Germany and France) will be presented. This conference is organized with the participation of the EDFC (European Digital Cinema Forum).

Peter Wilson (UK) // Peter Walford (NL) // Jon Thompson, The Hat Factory (UK) // Henning Radlein, Arri (DE) // Frantz Delbecque, Eclair (FR)

Results from European R&D projects on digital cinema

There will be four 40 minutes workshops organised by the IP-Racine consortium in a 20 seats max auditorium.

14:00 A smart look beyond HD-SDI, a new cinema production infrastructure based on 10G Ethernet

14:45 New workflows in digital cinema post-production

15:30 Acoustic Quadraphony: a new format for audio surround processing

16:15 On stage real-time previsulisation of chroma-key content (Brainstorm)

Note: This schedule is done to be sure it doesn’t overlap with the "14h30 - 16h: Prévisualiser l’image finale pendant le tournage" conference.

Hier die Vorschau auf das für den 31. Januar 2008 in Paris geplante Programm vom IDIFF - International Digital Film Forum

9:30 - 10:30 AM: Theatre management // Feedbacks

How is digital exhibition dealt with on a daily basis? What kind of logistics is needed for 3D screening? What are the economical consequences? How to obtain copies? Exhibitors and distributors will share their experiences.

Eric Meyniel, Kinepolis (FR) // Paul Corcoran, Kino Cinemas (UK) // ...

11 AM - 1 PM: Digital, which strategies to adopt in 2008?

Charlotte Jones, Screen Digest (UK) // Jocelyn Bouyssy, CEO of CGR (FR) // Mark Christiansen, Paramount (US) // Renaud Davy, Wild Bunch (FR) // Olivier Aubry, Cinéma le Méliès (FR) // ...

2:30 - 4 PM: Which deployment models in France and Europe?

This conference will gather public institutions and federations implicated in the cinemas transition to digital.

Jean Labé, FNCF (FR) // ...

4:30 - 5 PM: Keynote

Nancy Fares, in charge of DLP Cinema ® products, Texas Instrument (US).

5 - 6 PM: Making 3D movies at Disney

Introduction by Dave Monk, EDCF (UK)
Howard Lukk, in charge of Disney’s new technologies (US)

The conference will feature 3D screenings.

Business conferences - free entrance

Digital Alfie // Thursday January the 31st 2008 // 4:10 - 4:40 PM // Room B

Presentation of the project "Digital Alfie" and its consortium:

 Paul Corcoran, CEO, Kino Cinemas, UK
 Hervé Baujard, Business Development, Doremi Cinema, France / USA
 Martin Siebenbrunner, SiTec, Austria
 Thierry Baujard, CEO, Peacefulfish, Germany
 Frauke Feuer, project manager, Peacefulfish, Germany

Und hier abschliessend die Vorschau auf den dritten Tag des IDIFF - International Digital Film Forums vom Freitag, den 1. Februar 2008:

9:30 - 10:30 AM : Post-production case studies

Alain Corneau, Director (FR) and Yves Angelo, DoP (FR) on le Deuxième Souffle (post-production at Quinta) // Alanté Kavaité, Director, SRF (FR) and Isabelle Julien, Colorist (FR) on Ecoute le temps (post-production at Eclair)

11 AM - 1 PM: Post-production in 4K

Actual state of 4K post-production development in the USA and in Europe. The conference will feature 4K screenings.

William Feightner, Efilm (US) on The Assassination of Jesse James and Accross the Universe // Lionel Kopp, Duboi (FR) on The Fall // Tommaso Vergallo, Digimage (FR) on Océans // Jedrzej Sablinski, The Chimney Pot (PL) on Katyn (graded on Digital Vision’s Film Master) // ...

2:30 - 4 PM: France, a hosting ground for post-production

Overview of several foreign films’ post-production work in France through different case studies.

Introduction by Olivier-René Veillon, Ile de France’s Film Commission // Stéphane Ceretti, Special effects supervisor on Babylon AD // SmartJog // ...