Preview: SFO - LAS

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 13. April 2007 um 07h26min


Welcher Weg ist der "richtige" um von San Francisco nach Las Vegas zu kommen.

Selbst für diese Frage hat sich zwischenzeitlich ein eigenes Internet-Forums- Thema mit Antworten entfaltet:

The Great American RoadTrip Forum > Topics > "Road to Vegas" > Road from San Francisco to Las vegas

woodsey811-08-2006, 03:07 PM

Hi There
I am currently trying to plan a trip for 4 people. We would like to fly into San Francisco mid may and then drive through to Las Vegas.

Please can you advice the must see places to visit on the way and how long realisticlly I need to give myself to enjoy properly.

Many thanks


Midwest Michael11-08-2006, 05:23 PM

Welcome to the RTA Forum!

San Francisco to Las Vegas is the single most discussed trip on the forum. There are literally hundereds of posts on the topic. I’d suggest starting by using the search function -right side of the green bar above, under your username- to get started with many of the general questions about area.

Then if you have some more questions or specifics you’re wondering about, we’ll be glad to help.

Nach aufwendiger Online-Lektüre fiel die Wahl auf die "Nordroute". Mehr dazu, wenn in Las Vegas angekommen.
