Diese Frage bezieht sich auf Publikationen, die schon einen Monat zurückliegen, aber uns hier immer noch beschäftigen, gerade wo es zur Zeit um eine - wenn auch eher technische - Runderneuerung von "DaybyDay" und die IRIS-Media.com - Website geht.
Lesen sich selber nach: über das "Mouse-Rage-Syndrom":
Da die VDI-Nachrichten ihren Bericht "Herzinfarkt durch schlechtes Webdesign" aus New York vom 19. Januar 2007 nur als kostenpflichtiges "e-Paper" zur Verfügung stellen wollen, stellen wir Ihnen hiermit anheim in der Ausgabe vom 15. Dezember 2006 in der Computerzeitung einen Text des gleichen Autors, Harald Weiss, zum selben Thema nachzulesen.
Oder direkt bei den Autoren vom SIRC, dem Social Issues Research Centre, die sich auch schon mit so spannenden wie erschreckenden Analysen wie über das Binge-drinking - "drinking to get drunk" - einen Namen gemacht haben.
Die Briten haben bereits Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts eine Studie unter dem Namen "Rage Against the Machine" im Auftrag der Firma Compaq platziert. Die damals noch selbständige Agentur MORI fand heraus in Gesprächen mit über 1.000 repräsentativ augesuchten Erwachsenen unter anderem heraus:
– More than a quarter said problems were due to incompatible hardware and software.
– More than one in five respondents in the Midlands believed that the blamed an unwillingness to invest properly in IT for their company’s problems. In the rest of the country this figure falls to one in seven.
– When things go wrong with IT, most respondents blame their IT manager, the software supplier or themselves for the problem.
– More than a third of all respondents aged 55 and over blamed themselves for their IT problems.
– One in three of those who suffer daily interruptions by IT say that it takes at least an hour on average to resolve the problem.
– Two in five who endure daily breakdowns claim that computer crashes have caused them to miss deadlines.
– More than one in ten of those who suffer daily interruptions say that the stress caused by IT has seriously affected their professional relationships.
– More than one in six under 25 year olds have felt like taking IT aggression out on someone or something else.
– Nearly two thirds (62%) of respondents based in the North say that their colleagues regularly swear at their PCs out of frustration.
– One in five respondents who work in the financial services sector have seen colleagues bully their IT department when things go wrong with their IT.
– Workers in the public sector are most likely to refuse to deal with IT problems, by walking away from their problematic machine.
– Nearly one in five workers in the manufacturing industry say that their PC makes them feel stupid of ignorant.
– One in six believe that their colleagues have used IT to cover up their mistakes; only half of this figure admits to doing the same thing themselves.
– Nearly a third of those who suffer daily problems with their PC claim that these problems force them to stay late or take work home with them.
Zitiert nach: http://www.mori.com/polls/1999/rage...