D-Cinema in Europe

VON Dr. Wolf SiegertZUM Freitag Letzte Bearbeitung: 3. Juli 2006 um 11h58min


Nachfolgend ein mit eigenen Heraushebungen versehener Auszug auf dem Teilnehmerbrief von Frau Georgia Efthymiopoulou und Herrn Jean-Francois Buggenhout von der
"European Commission, Directorate General Information Society and Media, Networked Audiovisual Systems" für den an diesem Tag angekündigten Workshop zum Thema: Digital Cinema.

If Digital Cinema is soon to become a reality in Europe, we should mobilise all indigenous resources that may facilitate its emergence by targeting the technological as well as the economic aspects of the entire value chain.

The Workshop addressing significant apprehension on the operations of large-scale conduit monopolies limiting Europe’s choices over cultural, linguistic and content diversity, it should help identify the major R&D and technological challenges in the area and facilitate the strategic positioning of an EU industry in this sector in the years to come. Moreover, it should help formulate a sustainable European approach on the matter for the years to come.

Our task will be to explore whether a decisive strategic action can be defined, so as to put forward a well-targeted description of novel R&D activities which might significantly advance the current state-of-the-art well beyond the integration work already needed. In this context it should be noted that DG INFSO has, in the last decade, launched a significant number of different R&D action lines to promote digital content. The Workshop invites the R&D community in general, and the Industry in particular, to provide the critical mass necessary for the launch of highly innovative R&D in this area. Furthermore, representatives of the entire value chain, from production to projection, are invited to share their ideas and plans.

Workshop Objectives:

 To identify major technological issues and new research initiatives spanning the entire value chain of d-cinema from screen resolution and lower cost projector technology to audio surround sound and post production technology, and through to electronic distribution and efficient security mechanisms. Innovative R&D, for example, may target new and more efficient compression algorithms, file formats and security tools that may cater better to European needs and requirements for cultural, social and linguistic diversity. Or, it could opt for interoperable and affordable hardware, capable of easy upgrades.

 To spell out the ensuing standardisation requirements so as to allow the rapid and widest possible uptake of the new technologies relating to digital cinema and catering to Europe’s cultural diversity and its industry.

 To identify the major technological issues relating to the development and deployment of efficient electronic distribution networks for digital cinema all throughout Europe.

Auf der für diesen Workshop eingerichteten Webseite sind die Ziel wie folgt formuliert:

 Identify the issues at stake concerning the introduction and deployment of d-cinema and its future in Europe in the context of a digital and networked environment
 Identify new research initiatives through the establishment of a credible R&D plan, from production to projection, capable of facilitating the deployment of d-cinema technology in Europe
 Identify the major technological issues relating to the development and deployment of efficient electronic distribution networks for digital cinema all throughout Europe.
 Identify the technical perspectives necessary to the development of d-cinema standards for Europe, primarily according to the requirements of its industry and its cultural diversity and (backwards) compatible to the DCI specifications.

Hier zunächst der Textentwurf der vorläufigen, danach die Namen der zuletzt veröffentlichten Tagesordnung:

09:00-09:30 Introduction & Welcome
 Joao Da Silva, Director, Network and Communications Technologies, DG Information Society and Media

09:30-11:30 Session 1:
 D-Cinema Technology: State-of-the-art & Early Rollout
The aim of this session is to:
a) take stock of current technology developments and of their early implementation;
b) address technical requirements to take up and identify problems and potential bottlenecks;
c) suggest possible solutions on the basis of current experience that would lead to a rapid and wider implementation of current technologies.

11:30-13:00 Session 2:
 D-Cinema Technology: Visions for the Future (Part 1)
This session should identify the technology areas that are likely to speed up implementation and can facilitate its rapid take up in terms of human visual systems and professional digital camera technology, 3D digital imaging and display technology, colour management and contrast of digital imaging, advances in server and projector technologies, 2D-to-3D conversion, post production technologies and 3D imaging, data warehousing and workflow, etc...

14:00-15:30 Session 2 :
 D-Cinema Technology : Visions for the Future (Part 2)
This session should address the network solutions (architectures, middleware, protocols and network management tools, access mechanisms, etc...) and security mechanisms (encryption, DRM etc..) that need to be put in place to guarantee the safe deployment of efficient content distribution networks over a variety of networks and service providers to regional and local recipients.

15:30-17:30 Session 3 :
 D-Cinema Technology : Recommendations & Conclusions
This session is expected to finalise the discussion and collect and integrate all views expressed into a package of recommended R&D actions worth support from the EC.


09:00-09:15 Luis Rodriguez-Rosello, EC, Welcome and Introduction

09:15-09:30 Georgia Efthymiopoulou, EC, “Why a Workshop on D-Cinema”

09:30-11:30 Session 1:
D-Cinema Technology: State-of-the-art & Early Rollout

Chair: David Wood, NEM/EBU

09:30-09:45 Dr. Siegfried Foessel, FhG, DE on “WORLDSCREEN”
09:45-10:00 Prof. Frank Van Reeth, Univ. of Hasselt, BE on “IP-RACINE”
10:00-10:15 Me Antoine Drzymala, XDC, BE on “ED-CINE”
10:15-10:30 Prof. Irek Defee, TUT, FI on “3D D-Cinema”

11:00-11:15 Nicolas Mazzanti, CRB, IT on “Archives for D-Cinema”
11:15-11:30 Dr. Vincent Lucassen, CinemaNet Europe, DocuZone, AT on “Opportunities & Threats for Arthouse Films & Cinemas in Europe”

11:30-12:30 Session 2:
D-Cinema Technology: Visions for the Future

Chair: Peter Wilson, HDDC, UK

11:30-11:45 Jean-Michel Dupont, Thomson, FR on “D-Cinema”
11:45-12:00 Prof. Ulrich Weinberg, HFF Postdam-Babelsberg, DE on “NEM’s view on D-Cinema”
12:00-12:15 Dirk Maes, Barco, BE on “D-Cinema”
12:15-12:30 Benoit Michel, UCL / XDC, BE on “D-Cinema 2015”

14:00-14:45 Session 2 (cont’d):
D-Cinema Technology: Visions for the Future

Chair: Alain Remond, XDC, FR

14:00-14:15 Kommer Kleijn, IMAGO, NL on “Flexibility in Frame Rates”
14:15-14:30 Patrick Zucchetta, Doremi, FR on “Visions of the Future”
14:30-14:45 Tilman Scheel, Reelport, DE on “Cinema-on-Demand”

15:15-17:30 Session 3:
Workshop Discussion on D-Cinema Technology & Recommendations on Future R&D Orientations

Chair [1]: Dr. Wolf Siegert, Iris Media, DE

15:15-17:00 Discussion, All Participants

17:00-17:30 [2] Conclusions


[1"The Chairman’s role is seen to ensure the smooth succession of speakers to the podium and the fair management of interventions from the floor during the Q&A and discussion sessions. The Session Chairmen are not expected to intervene in the discussion or make any statements." - Trotz dieser hier zitierten formal notwendigen Einschränkung schien es in diesem Zusammenhang sinnvoll zu sein, nicht selber als Interessenvertreter, sondern als Moderator dieser und anderer an diesem Tag nicht vertretenen Positionen und Personen auf- und einzutreten. WS.

[2Welch eine Herausforderung: Alle Beiträge waren so interessant und vielfältig, dass eine Verkürzung der Diskussion auf 17:00 Uhr nicht möglich war und so das Gespräch bis an das Ende der ersten Halbzeit des FIFA-WM-Spiels Argentinien : Deutschland fortgesetzt wurde (was schliesslich auch gut gelang, zumal bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch kein einziges Tor geschossen worden war ;-) WS.

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